Catch That Van!


Look for the floating Webkinz Road Trip Van today and you could win a purple Webkinz Road Trip shirt!


131 Responses to Catch That Van!

  1. EyesPEELED says:

    I’m looking!!

  2. FashionDiva98 says:

    the shirt is cute, i just don’t like that dark purple (which is shocking because purple is my favorite color) I have one question. why in contests do they say it only is for people in America and Canada??? I mean what if you live in a different country??? And yes I live in a different country and yes i am an american. Well that’s all!
    Got to get back to beautifying my pets!~

  3. Lisa says:

    I hope this isn’t like the hat on Saturday where when you click on it the page says expired!! I cleared my cache and turned my computer off and on for hours and by midnight only got 4 accounts done.

  4. SoccerSquirrell says:

    You are still getting that expired message on a number, but not all, of them. Have seen 5 since midnight:
    first 2 were fine, last 3 were expired.
    My sister’s account still awaits a good one…

  5. Transformersgirl says:

    I like this shirt, I will try to win. Good luck everyone!


    Yeah!!! I love these promotions. Does anyone know if the summer movie promotion is the judy moody movie? Purple is awesome!!!!

  7. hvike says:

    Thanks Webkinz! I got the blue set and now on to the purple :)

  8. WhiteCoco says:

    The floating van has a glitch. Every time I click on it, it tells me the page is expired. Now I’ve lost the chance to get the first day’s item, and it’s still saying that, so I probably won’t be able to get today’s item either :(

  9. autumnrose says:

    Why try to catch the van today. Yesterday one of my accounts everytime I clicked on the van it said page expired! So didn’t get the hat!

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