Catch That Van!


Look for the floating Webkinz Road Trip Van today and you could win a purple Webkinz Road Trip shirt!


131 Responses to Catch That Van!

  1. honeybyrd says:

    Van catch NOT ACTIVE ? Why and still.

  2. WHY!!!!! says:

    Why are you still advertising this when all you get is this message:
    “This campaign is not active. Check back soon.”

  3. lipsmom says:

    I did it and it’s not working!:(

  4. Lorena says:

    its a shame webkinz doesnt seem to care if their website and contests work. why dont all the adults here complain? its not OK to rip kids off or pay all this money for a web site that never works right. you wouldnt put up with this kind of service from any other game site or your internet provider so why does everyone put up with all these constant problems with webkinz? why dont some of the adults who are on the Inside site all the time make a big petition? they have all the power and they never seem to complain or demand ganz fix this stuff.

  5. webkinzlover says:


  6. Webkinz lover says:

    can anyone give me a shirt hat and poster
    i keep on finding the van but it says page expired my username is Revu999.

  7. log out says:

    the log out thing doesn’t work
    i can’t find out why. everytime after i love my webkinz and read the news and then log out. it doesn’t work. i’m Deluxe so i don’t know if that makes a difference, but it works on my friends & siblings accounts. this isn’t fair Ganz, I live in the USA, my account is up to date ( i just got a new pet ), and i have deluxe. shouldn’t i be able to do more since i am a deluxe member, Ganz? this is unfair. u should be able to do more, not less, than your regular webkinz account. please fix the problem, Ganz. also, i looked everywhere for the SPREE ad, and could not find it. you should make sure everything works for ALL accounts, Ganz.

  8. aa says:

    hey wait, how do u get wkn account??

  9. apples says:

    You can find the van mostly in the fun section.

  10. BabyBGirl says:

    since this catch the van started i still haven’t been able to get anything but expired page….why hasn’t this been fixed???? every other time, floaty hat, floaty dice it always worked but not this time!!! we’ve missed out on everything this time.

    • rainy929 says:

      It was frustrating for me too until I found out that if you are logged in to your Webkinz Newz account it will work.
      I kept getting the page was expired and tried it while logged in and it worked everytime. Hope it works for you.

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