Catch That Van!


Look for the floating Webkinz Road Trip Van today and you could win a purple Webkinz Road Trip shirt!


131 Responses to Catch That Van!

  1. TheOwlLady says:

    Of course, I just got the van again, I waited till it floated to the middle of my screen and this time it worked!

  2. TheOwlLady says:

    But it would be nice if clicking on the van worked. It only worked twice yesterday, the rest of my family got “this page is expired”. I just clicked for today’s prize and again got the “expired” message. Help Ganz Please Fix!

  3. Lola says:

    Please come to Wisconsin!

  4. c10000000 says:

    The security code was a little hard to read.

  5. helpful hint? says:

    I was getting the message yesterday about “page expired” and I cleared my history, then it worked for me again. Hope it helps out others!

  6. beautifulgirlmak says:

    The contest seems to work if you log in to your Webkinz newz account and then click on the van. Hope this helps. I’ve been looking for awhile. The van has only floated 1 time all morning.

  7. zoelife89 says:

    I have all the items they are so cool. I think there should be more peek a newz peeks.

  8. BellaJo says:

    How are we suppose to play if it keeps taking us to a page that says its expired??????

  9. Still Angry says:

    You should have the hat one again! Lots of people didnt get it because it said page has expired! I’m very angry Webkinz

  10. dachsiesrule says:

    has anyone noticed the front page on webkinz acting up and only showing advertisements?

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