Catch That Van!


Look for the floating Webkinz Road Trip Van today and you could win a Back Country Webkinz Road Trip poster!

154 Responses to Catch That Van!

  1. A EALLY DESPERATE WEBKINZ!!!!!!!! says:

    Does anyone have the water wheel from the milk chocolate egg? I really want it!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Fangs says:

    Gantz…………………..Please Fix!
    It’s still not working! The page has expired if you’re logged in or not!

  3. petsgrandma says:

    Tried yesterday – got “contest not active” kind of error!
    Van is still floating today — same error!

  4. LOVE WEBKINZ says:

    i love webkinz

  5. SAVY says:

    I really believe you need to do this whole Floating Van Contest over. Most people didn’t get the hat, shirt or poster. When you come here everyday, you should either be able to see the van and when u do see the van and click on it,you should not get “page expired” or “invalid”. I didn’t get one hat and I was on here almost all day trying and kept getting te expired page and I truly was lucky to get the shirt at the last minute and then after trying all day on the 16th I finally got the poster.
    Please redo this one because it’s truly not fair to everyone that worked so hard to get these items and walked away with nothing. Obviously you will know who got something and who didn’t when they use their username, so I beg you to please redo the purple hat, purple shirt and poster again!!

  6. glorya says:

    what’s going on with the van ? i click on it and if says try again later

  7. Fangs says:

    This campaign is not active. Try back soon. OR The page has expired. It doesn’t matter if you log in because the van does not appear. I have been trying all day. It’s not fair, Webkinz should let us have it another day when they fix the problem. I hope they know it’s not working and they fix it soon.

  8. pets4pam says:

    This ad showed up on my computer today (5/17) with May 17th date on it for most of the day and I have been looking for it.I did find one, bit it showed up with an error message.

  9. addison says:

    it worked just fine for me

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