Catch That Van!

Look for the floating Webkinz Road Trip Van today and you could win a green Webkinz Road Trip shirt!


68 Responses to Catch That Van!

  1. gabby girls says:

    hey love webkinz ;p

  2. ksy123 says:

    the zebra webkinz was my idea

  3. ksy123 says:


  4. Monkeygirl says:

    If any one wants to be my friend my user name is unicornbak- i had it since i was in 1st grade

  5. abby; says:

    Ok before their was a contest and everyone was fight ing well im extremely glad that all ended cuz i thought it was rude and gross people were calling people bad names and other bad langauge so thnx for all your hard work in stopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! help save st.jude plz!!

  6. lillybell2007 says:

    How am I supposed to find the van??? someone tell me how. PLZ >_<

  7. lilly1979 says:

    please friend me! my name on here is my acount name!

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