Catch That Van and Find the SPREE ad!

Keep your eyes open for the Webkinz Tour Van today – if you find it, you could win a Webkinz Newz exclusive purple Webkinz Road Trip hat!

Also look for the SPREE click-to-win ad to win a bonus roll for SPREE!

201 Responses to Catch That Van and Find the SPREE ad!

  1. 1234bt says:

    i have found the floating fan but where would i find bonus spree ad

  2. ashdecor says:

    awesome i really wanted to see the van in real life but this is better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p : )

  3. Laura says:

    Every time I click on the floating van, I get a notice that the page has expired

  4. Ella says:

    OOH! FINALY!!! spree dice! YAY!!!!

  5. Paige says:

    This is awesome but they owe me a hat!

  6. 90Raina says:

    Hey all! The ads come up blank with a red X. Just click on the red X and you still win the roll!

  7. shootingstar11 says:

    Wow! Two promotions at once? Awesome! I hope I get both! I will try!

  8. coolgranny says:

    sweet gifts, hope I find one

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