Caterpillar Contest Winners

Congratulations to Katie, Andrea, Stefana, Kristin and Devon. They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Caterpillar, March’s Pet of the Month!

74 Responses to Caterpillar Contest Winners

  1. KittyKat says:

    Not “Whatever,” They did a great job! Congrats to all the winners! :-)

    • hippolover223 says:

      no it is a random winner contest. they could have just put chocolate for every answer so whatever. WHEN WILL THE RESULTS BE IN FOR ALL THE OTHER CONTEST SINCE FEBUARY????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. soccerbaby2001 says:

    I wish I won! I never knew!

  3. Natalie says:

    Congratulations Devon, Kristin, Stefana, Andrea and Katie! You all did a great job! I hope you have fun playing with your Caterpillars and I hope you love your Caterpillars! And again, GREAT JOB!

  4. kittycaty says:

    I didn’t enter because the caterpilar isn’t very cute. When are the resuts for the leon burger coming out? I hope I win!

    • eacv says:

      You don’t find the caterpillar cute? I think it is soooo cute! Congrats winners btw.

    • br1997 says:


    • Horse Girl says:

      Hi kittycaty! I just want to see the results for the Leonberger! That was the 3rd contest I’ve entered I think.I entered the Chillin’ Sea Lion contest,the Sun Fox,and the Leonberger one.For the Sea Lion and Sun fox contests,I didn’t make good stories.But this time,I think I did much better.I wonder who the winners are?

  5. Buboy2002 says:

    Is it the kristin i know? My friend named kristing told me she got it. She probay did. :-) :-D

  6. webkinz lover says:

    You all did great good job!

  7. kido1999 says:

    will the gaspacho recipie winners also be posted? by the way, congrates to the winners

  8. MadiWolfClaw says:

    when will the Chef Gazpacho’s Lost Recipes contest winners be announced?

  9. First Comment! says:


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