Caterpillar Contest Winners

Congratulations to Katie, Andrea, Stefana, Kristin and Devon. They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Caterpillar, March’s Pet of the Month!

74 Responses to Caterpillar Contest Winners

  1. egirlegirl says:

    Congrats to all of the winners! I wish i had won, but I’m okay with the fact that I didn’t because there will be other chances to win. Congrats again!

  2. Stacey says:

    Awwwwwe to bad that I didn’t win :\.
    Congratz!!!! :D

    • Rachel says:

      The reason you didn’t win was because the winners were picked randomly. It had nothing to do with talent whatsoever. I hope I cleared this up. Congratulations to everyone who won.

  3. missmoomoo23 says:

    thanks for your saport Andria

  4. Puppiesrule says:

    Congrats! enjoy your caterpillars! What was the contest for this one?

  5. missmoomoo23 says:

    I am so mad I didn’t win! :(

  6. awesomeness says:

    i never win anything! :( i’m so bummed!

  7. ranlove223 says:

    Congrats Andrea I entered the contest but I did not win. Have you put your catepillar online yet? And Andrea do you know when they will be announcing the contest winners for the contests in Feburary? And again Congrats:) :) :)

    • monaandcali says:

      no i dont really know when they will be announced.oh and to tell u the truth this is my first time i have won. i hope i see your name on the next contest ranlove223..another thing wanna, be my friend. username……………..monaandcali. thankx for the congrats :D

  8. budabbott says:

    congats for you andrea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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