Challenge 29: Play Outside for One Hour!

Children require 60 minutes of intense physical activity a day for optimal health. Challenge yourself to get outside and play for one hour straight. You could walk the dog, go to the park with your brother or sister, or challenge your friends to a game of soccer or road hockey. If you’re doing something you enjoy with people you like spending time with, you’ll soon find that an hour passes by in no time at all!

15 Responses to Challenge 29: Play Outside for One Hour!

  1. Grace says:

    I’m really athletic. I have been n the childres national olympics, and I won a mac book pro! Which is like a gold medal :)

  2. Narniaisawesome1412 says:

    Hey, has anyone been having the problem where you cannot do spree, adventure park, certain arcade games and wacky log out carnival?? Well, i have and I think I might have figured it out. Are you using Google chrome??? Well, I was and when I went to regular old internet explorer it worked just fine! I hope tis will help!

    ~NIA1412 :-)

  3. soccergirl2011 says:

    This is simple! I’m really athletic! Way more than an hour I’m out! I love being with friends!

  4. SapphireSea says:

    Going outside would be a lot more fun if my friends COULD come over every day to play, and if I didn’t have allergies. :( I LOVE jumping in leafpiles, but my mom says I can’t do that anymore because of my rotten old allergies. Playing outside just isn’t the same by myself. :( I hope sometime soon I can have some friends over and play outside! :D People who have friends living within walking distance are so lucky!

    • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

      I agree! i don’t have a single friend that lives nearby. I have a friend and her little sister that’s my friend too that lives 20 minutes away, and they are the busiest people on the planet I tell you!!!! They are SO busy, so I rarely see them, and I have a friend that lives like 45 minutes away and since that’s a long drive we don’t see each other much.

      Stinks, right? At least I have a ton of friends here on WKN!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D Without this site, I don’t know what i’d do…..

  5. Polar Berry says:

    Sounds cool!
    -Ski you later!
    -Polar Berry [{*}] :mrgreen:

  6. ESL says:

    i almost never go outside i dont like goin outside except like in fall and winter when there arent so many bug plus i dont have a lot of time to go play outside and my bike needs a new tire or two XD

  7. bvfriends says:

    I Will Right Now.

  8. WinterFawn says:

    )= I can’t do stuff with my friends but I can go outside and run and swing. =)

    • sarahandlacey says:

      I do this everyday! ;-)

      • StarFire says:

        Me too :) !
        ♥HaVe FuN☺♥

        • lillyluvie says:

          Me three, LOL! :lol: Tonight I had a volleyball game, and my team won!!! Woo Hoo! :D I like going on
          walks with my friends too.
          *Luv from LillyLuvie*

          • krystalkat says:

            i do this everyday. I usually:
            hang out with my friends at the library (we walk home which takes 20 min.)
            walk home from school (10 min)
            jog at the fields (15 min.)
            hang out with my friends at the park. (alot of min.) i started 2 days ago thats why i didnt comment too much.


          • 8-Paw says:

            I try to get outside an hour on my scooter everyday when I come home, or at least enough time waiting for the bus. Then there’s loads of homework, I have to practice 2 hours of piano, and usually some sort of activity like dance or swim team.

            Good luck y’all! ;)

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