Collect Those Flowers!

It’s that time of year again! Look for the floating flowers around Webkinz Newz for help completing your flower collection. Remember, flowers received from Webkinz Newz count towards your 5 daily maximum from friends, so if you’ve already received 5 from friends, you won’t receive another from Webkinz Newz.

45 Responses to Collect Those Flowers!

  1. snowseal80 says:

    I have not seen any floating flowers either. and my freinds won’t give me any. :(

  2. Amethyststar2004 says:


  3. jkracing says:

    i think the prizes are awsome good luck to everyone

  4. maple20035 says:

    I finally found a flower :)

  5. pat4ia says:

    four days in and still can’t find one.

  6. mokie88 says:

    I got one when it first started but I’ve been on here multiple times since and have never seen another one. The other day I was on for over an hour and never got one!

  7. kkkcat723 says:

    well I’ve been finding 10 flowers so far oh and p.s readers its not on webkinz world it’s on coment reading

  8. vbnut11 says:

    only have 3 flowers

  9. vbnut11 says:

    I wish I could find one

  10. nagrom200110 says:

    12:39 and I got One!

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