Cowabelle’s Cupcake

I was hoping to win Fluffington over with the cutest cupcake ever – and I think I’ve got a pretty great entry. Let me introduce you to…

Quacky McDuckbeak! (OK, so maybe it’s a bit weird to give your cupcake a name…but look at how cute it is!)






He was super easy to make! This is what you do:

1. Frost your cupcake with yellow frosting.

2. Put on two orange candy-coated chocolates for a beak. You’ll want to stick them IN to the cupake, so part of them sticks out.

3. Put on two orange candy-coated chocolates for feet.

4. Add two chocolate chips for eyes.

Admire the simple cuteness of this duck-cake!

26 Responses to Cowabelle’s Cupcake

  1. ducksrcute says:

    this is so cute!!!!

  2. eas1004 says:

    Awh, no its cute. ^-^

  3. Sparkler says:

    Awww… It is really cute! (I agree on the whole name thing though. Maybe you should name him peepy!)
    Stay Bright! ~*Sparkler~*
    P.S. Cowabelle, I’ll vote for you in the cupcake contest!

  4. mangomonster says:

    Good cupcake Cowabelle!

  5. Cinderpelt says:

    Awwww. That’s cute Cowabelle! Good job! Good luck entering the contest :D I wonder if Roberta, Sparky, and Stoogles will enter…. Did Nibbles do a cupcake yet, either?


  6. B A B N says:

    Its sweet, but why not do something harder? Like having more detail. For example, you could go to the Parents Club and there is an article on how to make cupcake turkeys! Something like that! Then you’ll have more of a chance of winning.

  7. gymdog says:

    it’s ok.i think it is cute though that you tried to make a duck =)

  8. Angelfish says:

    This cupcake is so cute! I love ducks! I wish they made a webkinz duck!! Or do they? Well it would be cute if they did! Cowabelle, good job on your cupcake!!

  9. Barks4u says:

    What a great entry! Quite the imagination! Thumbs up!

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