Craft: Build Your Own Log Cabin









Have you tried the new Building Kits in Webkinz World? They’re so much fun to make, why not try creating some Building Kit-inspired pieces in real life?

Here’s how you can make your very own log cabin.

What you need:

-          An empty milk carton, rinsed

-          A package of drinking straws

-          Card

-          Glue

-          Scissors

-          Brown paint

-          Paint brush

-          An adult assistant

What you do:

Have your assistant help you cut a small door in front end of the milk carton (the side that makes a triangle at the top) and two windows on either side.

Trace the triangular top end of the milk carton onto a piece of card and cut out two pieces.

Cut about 40 drinking straws to the width of the milk carton. Cover the sides of the milk carton with glue and stick the straws to the sides, leaving a gap where the windows are cut out. Cut enough straw pieces of about 1” to cover the walls on either side of the windows.

On the front of the milk carton, measure the space on either side of the small door, and cut enough straws to make the logs on either side of the door. Cut enough straws to the wide of the carton front to cover it up to the base of the triangle and glue the straws onto the carton. Repeat on the other side.

Take the small piece of cards that you traced from the triangular top of the carton and glue straws onto them. Trim the straws to the same size as the triangles. Glue the straw-covered triangles over the triangle at the front and back of the carton.

Allow glue to dry and cover the entire cabin with brown paint. If you like, you can decorate the cabin by hot gluing small stones around the window and door, and even make a small chimney out of stones.

22 Responses to Craft: Build Your Own Log Cabin

  1. dramallama360 says:

    cool! this is the only craft i have seen that i would actually try. maybe more sewing clothes crafts for tweens and teens?~~~

  2. dramallama360 says:

    cool! this is the only craft i have seen that i would actually try. maybe more sewing clothes crafts for tweens?

  3. Skiddly says:

    Cool. I’m not going to make this, but cool. It would take a lot of work… and we don’t use milk cartons, we buy our milk in bags.

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