Curly Camel Winners

Congratulations to cream614, khloe3536, Mirrored, 999210, and unicornn501! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for a virtual Curly Camel, June’s Pet of the Month!

Adopt the Curly Camel any time in June to win a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a surprise you can’t get anywhere else!

100 Responses to Curly Camel Winners

  1. cheetahlover101 says:

    I really don’t win ANYTHING. I really don’t like the part when you are finished with your number of gifts there’s the answer. I don’t know why they do the math problems?

  2. likewebkinz4o9 says:

    i didn’t enter… :(

  3. Powerpuffgirlsforever says:

    awwwwww i was hoping to win like all of u i NEVER do oh well maybe next time! ~petalfelfur (amazing world)

  4. jazzy321jjj says:

    Well I just want to stand up to them and say I `m sorry to say this but I uh just think that it`s not fair!

  5. jazzy321jjj says:

    Everyone did a good job.PS. If you want to friend me on Webkinz my username is jazzy321jjj

  6. SpookyPup10 says:

    Congrats ppls

  7. jazzy321jjj says:

    sockmonkey your very encouraging to everyone out there! Can I friend you on Webkinz? OH! do you have a Webkinz acount? Thanks for giving amazing advice. :) :) :) :)

  8. jazzy321jjj says:

    I just friended you! Please say yes Im Jazzy321jjj

  9. 5631 says:

    PLEASE FRIEND ME!!!! I am pokemon1406!congrats to the winners. and good luck to others that are entering other contests!:)

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