Dacey is Coming to Town!


You guys! You’re never going to believe what happened today! One of my BFFs (superstar Dacey Bryn) called me after school.  And guess what she said? “My mom just bought a house in Kinzville! It’s about 10 minutes from where you live!”

Can you believe it?!

Apparently Ms. Bryn really loved Kinzville when she and Dacey were here to film Dacey’s movie. She decided that if the right house was available, they’d buy it and live here for part of the year. How awesome is that? Dacey said she wanted to keep it a secret from me until they knew for sure that they’d be moving in. She said that it’s an older house near Fluffington’s mansion, and that it would have to be totally redecorated. I told her about Hailey and Elwin and she said she’d tell her mom to hire them.

Dacey and her mom are going to be here this weekend, so I’m definitely going to visit. How wonderful – both of my BFFs in one place! Roberta is going to be so excited!

27 Responses to Dacey is Coming to Town!

  1. sophie says:

    i found it for the treasure hunt!

  2. sstar642000 says:

    ooh… what about Purrcilla? Think she’ll be jealous of Dacey’s fame? Sstar (*.*

  3. Jinx57 says:

    Who knows? Maybe Dacey and Roberta will hit it off and become BFFs too. Wow, wouldn’t that be something if Cowabelle was the one left feeling like a third wheel?

  4. rhodey girl says:

    actully, i hav two best friends, and evry one gets along just fine

  5. i heart papillions says:

    Good 4u!!! My frend is probs gonna move next yearX-(

  6. cathouse2 says:

    That’s awesome Cowabelle! Maybe Roberta will be happy to meet your friend! >>cathouse2

  7. JItterbug says:

    Uh oh. I suspect conflict between Dacey and Roberta…

  8. fr3d420 says:

    I doubt Roberta will be happy…Good Luck Cowbelle/Darcy

  9. FluffySilly713 says:

    Ugh. I guess that’s great news for Cowabelle, but not for Roberta. Dacey always seemed too… perfect.. flawless… compared to Cowabelle and the rest of the ‘Kinz…

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