Daily Draw – May 6 Winners

Congratulations to Carla, Barbie, Kristen, Jennifer, Charlene, Britt, Rachel, Madison, Natalie and Angel! They’re our randomly selected winners and have each been sent a Feature Code for a virtual Zalo Zum.

There are still lots of draws left! Check out the schedule to see what you could win. Head over to the Contests page to enter today’s draw for a Dr. Quack charm feature code! Use this code look for fairies in the Magic Mire!

19 Responses to Daily Draw – May 6 Winners

  1. Orange Starburst says:

    CONGRATS!!!!! Hope u guys like the prize!!!!! *Your friend, Orange Starburst*

  2. lovepuppygirl says:

    I didn`t enter this one cause I was gone yesterday….oh well.I`m happy you won Kristen!!!!

  3. WarriorLover101 says:

    Cool! Hope You Like your Zums, Carla, Barbie, Kristen, Jennifer, Charlene, Britt, Rachel, Madison, Natalie and Angel!

  4. the dude says:

    to have fun

  5. Kristen says:

    I was one of the winners! Really cool Zum! I never had a Zum, now I do. So happy I won, but to all the people who entered, you will win one someday!

  6. meandwebkinz says:

    I hope you like your prizes! Great job everyone!

  7. jennifer says:

    Congrats to all the winners. Hi Maddie, her name’s probably Barbara and she’s called Barbie. jennifer

  8. Maddie says:

    Who would name a kid Barbie? But congratulations!

  9. MDIChickadee says:

    Congrats to all the winners!! I hope you win soon, beamer519! All the best! MDIChickadee

  10. beamer519 says:

    Man. Wish I won. But Congradulatioms!

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