Deluxe Contest Winners

Congratulations to Moriah, Samantha, Austin, Kimberly,  Leah, Melvin, Michael, Cailyn, Siamara and Natalie! They’ve each been sent a code for 3 months of Deluxe Membership! We wanted to know what you loved about Webkinz World! Read the winning entries below.

Do I love webkinz? What is my favorite part of it? Well, for me, Webkinz is a lot of fun! You get to do some great activities, dress up your pets, decorate rooms, and much more! I have to say my favorite part of Webkinz is the decorating. I love to make a room. I get to decorate it with so many things, colors, and try to mimic a real life room. They have many different themes to choose from,  from outer space, to clouds, to the jungle and many more! There are many other fun things to do there, like playing games, winning things to decorate your room, and playing with other pets! That’s what I like about Webkinz.- Moriah

I think Webkinz is great because it’s safe for kids to play on, it’s perfect if you want to be with friends, and because it’s changing and becoming even better! I love Webkinz a lot, and I think  I’ll always play on it. My friends are on it, so I can party with them when I want. I love it when Webkinz changes too – it’s always got ways to improve! I love shopping with my Webkinz, playing with them, finding out new recipes, and most of all how you can change your house! I think Webkinz is one of the best games ever! If I was to rate it, definately 5 stars! Webkinz: The best game ever! – Samantha

I love Webkinz because you get to care for your pet and go gem mining to get gems for your pet. Another reason I like Webkinz World is because you can do jobs. You can also feed your pet food and play games to get KinzCash for your pet. You can dress your pet and enter beauty pageant, cooking, and running competitions. I also like to trade in the trading room. You can also be the pet of the month. And yes, I do like Webkinz World. – Austin

I LOVE Webkinz!!! My favorite activity is collecting. Collecting Webkinz pets and items to decorate their rooms. Collecting pet specific foods, pet specific items (their own special item unique to them). Collecting all the room themes, the rare items and the exclusive items. It is so awesome to trade someone to get something that you have been wanting for a long time. With Webkinz always coming out with new and exciting things, I am never ever bored. I always look for great deals to save KinzCash. The jobs and activities to earn more KinzCash to shop, shop, shop. I go to classes to improve my pets’ education to run faster, jump higher and continue to grow smarter. My pets are always kept happy, healthy and busy. They love getting new brothers and sisters. We go to the park to play and clean up, compete in friendly games and answer daily questions. We have parties, eat together and visit other houses. But my most favorite thing is to collect. I will never ever give up. – Kimberly

My favorite things to do in Webkinz World are going to the Clubhouse and seeing my friends at the Kinzville Park. At the Clubhouse I go to the trading room and make new friends and trade for stuff that I like. At the Kinzville Park I see my friends and have fun. My two best friends there are a Golden Dog named Spencer and a Samoyed named Snowball. We have so much fun together! I also take my pets to the Kinzville Academy where they can become educated. When I got to level one I began to taking them to the Webkinz Stadium and they have done well in the contests! There are so many other things to do on Webkinz though that when I’m bored, if none of my friends are on, I can do a job, play the game of the day, go to the Kinzstyle Outlet, hunt for a gem, or decorate my pets’ rooms! Thanks Webkinz! – Leah

My favorite part about Webkinz is the familiar sounds of the Wheel spinning, the voices of all the Webkinz characters, The Pet of the Month videos, the many different sounds of the Magical Forest, and especially the sound of the excited squeal from my Webkinz pet when I go play with them. My little brother does kung fu with the Wheel of WOW!!! The sounds of Webkinz World are wonderful….the oldies and familiar like Smoothie Moves to the new sounds of the Hamsters conquering their challenges. I love them ALL! – Melvin

I feel that the best part of Webkinz World is that it’s always changing for the better. For example, Webkinz Newz had an awesome new makeover, and gives out wonderful prizes for contests and click-to-wins! I also love how Webkinz World is changing as well. I love the new design-the Map of Kinzville, instead of a plain menu. Thank you for all you’ve done, and I hope you continue to improve this wonderful website. – Michael

My favorite thing in Webkinz World is how fun and creative it is! I want to say I love the pet designs and games – the creative director sure knows how to create stuff! I love how every part and event of Webkinz World was thought through carefully and made age appropriate! Another great thing that makes Webkinz World fun is that there is a choice between KinzChat Plus and regular KinzChat! The KinzChat Plus has word limitations, which makes it harder to be a bully. I love the creative cartoon style look you have on Webkinz World, the colors are by all means happy, creative, and friendly! The Kinztunes are all amazingly thought out, along with the arcade games with simple directions. From the login screen to the Kinzville Park, Webkinz World is fun, friendly, creative, and safe! Keep up the amazing work! - Cailyn

I love Webkinz World for many reasons. The number one reason has to be that there is such a variety of things to do! I love playing in the Arcade. My favorite games are Wheel of Wow, Wishing Well 2, and WackyER Zingoz. I also love going to the employment office and playing MAZIN’ Hamsters! I have eight pets right now (including my MAZIN’ Hamster), and I plan on getting more! I have found no other website like Webkinz, and I think that it is cool how unique Webkinz really is! I love how there is something for everyone. For example, I am 15, and there are lots of stuff for me to do. My brother is 11, and he enjoys Webkinz as well. My best friend is also 15, and has at least 15 pets! My neighbor is 10, and she likes Webkinz too! Webkinz has so much to offer. Anyone who doesn’t have an account on Webkinz is missing out on so much! I play every day so that I don’t miss out on any daily activites, contests, or oppurtunites to get boatloads of KinzCash. Thanks for this amazingly awesome contest! – Siamara

I love Webkinz SO much. I love it because you can play and have fun, but you can also care for your pet! I love to give my Webkinz showers and baths! You can arrange your room in whatever style fits you and your pet! I love the Arcade and the Webkinz Stadium! There are so many fun games you can play and nice people you can meet! And the list doesent end there! There is just so much you can do, the list never ends! You can go to the Clubhouse and meet other people! There are also contests you can enter, places you can go, and new discoveries you can make! Here in Webkinz World, the fun never ends! You can also learn stuff in Webkinz World too like at Quzzy’s Corner, and the Kinzville Academy! Webkinz inspires me to clean up trash around the city, eat fruits and veggies, and play outside more! Webkinz World is a very fun place that I like to go to learn, to play, to grow! – Natalie

207 Responses to Deluxe Contest Winners

  1. webkinzfan says:

    They only won because they buy stuff from the e store, Or they were deluxe members before they won, But they expired. Everyone knows Ganz plays favorites.

    • purrogila says:

      I so know what you mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Moosey says:

      Um… I have never bought anything except Webkinz Pets and I still won… On top of that… I only have llike 12 pets.

      • Makenna says:

        you really won that’s sooooooo cool you want to be friends….


          Actually she’s\he’s right they just pick 5 random people somtimes I mean guess how many times I won by my family ONCE I was the only porson at the father daughter dance they called “OLIVIA -BUGALA-” I was screaming with joy and that was the only time we won! Oh shoot I just said my real name out loud

    • icarlygirl244 says:

      I don’t know. I’m pretty much crossing my fingers for the results of the Leonberger contest. I’ve never purchessed EStore stuff because I don’t like it, but I still have a chance at winning because my entry was good. But what you said is defiantly reasonable.
      Now, I think that Ganz chooses either randomly, or by best, and, assuming you are right, by EStore buyers.

      I think you are right. My parents don’t work for Ganz, but still.

    • Grace says:

      Not true! I won a Love Puffin and I never bought anything from the estore or had deluxe membership! :-)

    • Blu502:( says:

      I don’t. I have never bought anything from estore or was a deluxe member and i won.

  2. sad :( says:

    i am soooo sad! i was up t’ill 11:00 entering i had to try twice!

  3. jen says:

    does anyone have their kinzville acadamy diploma?

  4. aw says:

    :( ehh.. they are not to good. I said that webkinz is a fun educational online virtual world. When you had a rough day, or just want to have fun, webkinz is there for you! At quizzys you can learn a bunch of new stuff about your favorite chaacters, tv shows, and more!

    I said a lot more than this. :(

  5. isabelly i won yippee says:


  6. slemire says:

    When was the enter? I would of entered!

  7. jen says:

    I LOVE WEBKINZ!!! My favorite part is the kinzville acadamy because my pet can learn and complete classes. It also helps in games and in the stadium! You can also unlock prizes and actions! On one of my pets, I almost have my diploma!Another one of my favorite things in WW is my room. I love collecting and decorateing. 2nd comment, I think.

  8. bookworm says:

    I LOVE WEBKINZ!!! My favorite part is the kinzville acadamy because my pet can learn and complete classes. It also helps in games and in the stadium! You can also unlock prizes and actions! On one of my pets, I almost have my diploma!

  9. eckho says:

    Cool! Congratulations to all the winners!

    • Trader says:

      Does anyone have a rare Colossal Movie Screen for trade? I reeealllly need one of those. If you have one, tell me what you want for it. I’ve got a TON of awesome stuff, just ask me if I have something in particular you want for it, and I’ll tell you if I have it! OK, that last sentence was a little confusing, but the point is, if you have a rare movie screen, tell me what you want for it so we can trade! Thanks!

      • lisiec8 says:

        i don’t have it but i have a move slate wold you like that? i’ll trad it for a piece of clothing (not from the W-shop or the clothing machine) if you like! pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzze answer back! thanks! 8)
        PS please don’t make it from the HOP add of the HOP bunny psi i have like 5 of each of those.

      • Kimberly says:

        I have a rare Colossal Movie Screen for trade. I am looking for the bunny or reindeer ears. Let me know. And you know what, I am one of the winners. I am so happy.

        • Trader says:

          Hi, I’m sorry, I don’t have bunny or reindeer antlers. Do you want anything else for it? The only clothes I have are the deluxe Robot Hero mask, green charm fairy shoes, zum field hat, lime gecko jester hat, pretty panda dress and tiara, swan princess dress, and that’s about it. Sorry. Can I trade you any of those, or is there anything else you are looking for?

          • Kimberly says:

            Do you have any items from the old hockey theme or from the retired science theme I need the incubation chamber?

          • Trader says:

            no, sorry, but i have other Kooky and Hockey stuff. What other items are you looking 4 besides the chamber?

            BTW: Switch to the Aries Ram Contest page, and we can chat there instead. This page is about to be kicked off the front page! :)

        • Makenna says:

          hey, kim do you mind if i call you kim…well i don’t have reindeer antlers or bunny ears but i have really cool clothes they are real …oh and this can go to everyone so if you have something cool to trade then be my buddy and you can come over to my webkinz house and see it

          THANKS….oh and your WELCOME if i’m helping anybody here. this is my user name:


        • l says:

          You can meet me in the trading room sometime you know it is retired those glasses u can also go to plumpys advice column and ask her

    • Mudstar says:

      Congrats to the winners! The first time I read the winner I was like OH MY STARCLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But then it wasn’t me. XD Congrats to who won!

  10. snicklefritz98 says:

    Aw i didn’t win. :( Thought i would oh well. Congrats to the winners!!! :mrgreen:

    • jen says:

      WEBKINZ IS DELETING OUR COMMENTS AND WONT LET US POST THEM QUICKLY OR SAY THINGS MORE THAN ONCE!!!!! THIS MAKES ME VERY MAD. please anyone who reads this responds to it and all my other comments.

      • Whitney says:

        I so agree! I guess we aren’t allowed to post our e-mails on here…bummer.
        Most of my comments are in the Spring Contest.
        If you want to know what I have and what am willing to trade go there.
        I have a few in The Strawberry Cow too!
        my username is canopy5 if anyone wants to send stuff back and forth w/kinzpost send me something first so I’ll know that you want too!!!!

      • kittycaty says:

        The new fruit theme has VERY low prices! I’m going to quizzys right now to get kinzcash! AWESOME!

        • Makenna says:

          Dear KittyKat,
          this webkinz thing is being apain they just erased have of my messege proplay because, i said that i want to know someones first and last name cause i wanted to see if it was someone in my class room it’s not like i was going to steal their names or anything sheesh this makes me soooooo mad don’t you think

          your webkinz HATER,

          • Webkinz user says:

            If you hate webkinz so much Makenna why are you on WEBKINZ newz?!

          • icarlygirl244 says:

            I think you shouldn’t be on this site. First of all, you want people’s personal info, when you can just ASK your classmates if they go on Webkinz. You make others feel bad because you keep hating on Webkinz, and if you don’t like it, why are you on the news site? Do your purposely want to hurt people’s feelings? And you ask why your comments aren’t posted. You’re downright mean! Go on some other site! There are little kids on here! My little cousin goes on this, and he’s four!

      • emmarulez says:

        GOOD. It’s because so many kids spam the pages with things that aren’t related to the articles. I was one of the people wanting them to do so.

        CONGRATS to the winners! :D

      • Webkinz Policy says:

        We pardon are difficulties and we will make are changes to maake are wekinz memebers happy and over joyed. We again pardon are difficulties into what we will make those changes. But in some cases posting personal information is are private policy here in Webkinz and we want to make sure that are members are not left out in any notifications. We again pardon please know that we will try to make are changes in our difficulties. From: Webkinz Policy

      • Alexa says:


      • Leah says:

        My name is Leah but i guess i didn’t win. i’m in fifth grade i am almost 11. my username is REDLEAH or Shadowmax22. Bye!

    • kittycaty says:

      A new totorial video has been added to the w-shop! But is DOES get in the way!

    • Totally awesome says:

      Hi! i didn’t even know there was a contest but still I am really happy for them. It would be awesome to get a free delux membership!

      • Leslie says:

        :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
        Is anyone here a girl who likes Star Trek or football?
        :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

        • icarlygirl244 says:

          I like basketball, zombie tag, hanging out with boys, and a bunch of other boy stuff. I’m a tomboy;)

          • Leslie says:

            Yeah, me too. I like clothes and shopping and other girl stuff like that, but after all, I am a GIRL! Anyway, I’m not a girly-girl like a lot of people I know! I’m about 80% tomboy, and 20% girl! :) I like a lot of stuff boys like and I like sports, too, even if I’m not a pro at all of them! Football and baseball are my pro-thing!

          • Leslie says:

            Tomboys rule! Yeah, I’m about 80% tomboy and 20% girl. I like some girl stuff, but if I gave you a list of ten things or activities I really enjoy, eight of them would be boy stuff!
            I like sports a lot, too. Any sport I like, but football and baseball are on my pro-side.

        • Littlelady101 says:


        • kitkat vs hotdog says:

          KIND OF MAYBE

      • mmack2 says:

        I like football packers r the best

    • GIRLS RULE says:


    • Alexa says:


    • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

      Fishier fish? MyloBTF? You here?

      • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

        OH and guess what I STILL have a slight fever not as bad as yesterday but still got it. It is makin’ my nose hurt! :sad:

        • myloBTF says:

          yeah i’m here.

          • myloBTF says:

            ok. :) i can still read your love kitten comments from newz blog. oh poor TheWebkinzWarrior. on my next comment i will interview my blufadoodle. i will friend you and log in now.

          • Anonymous says:

            IS THE LOVE KITTEN CONTEST WINNERS STILL UP FOR YOU? IT isn’t for me!!!!! That’s weird. But something like that happened before with me and Fishier fish! Only the blufadoodle contest winners dissapeared for me and not for Fishier fish.
            Well I guess Fishier fish will be hear soon. Perhaps she’s just busy.
            And so your username begins with kourtney, right? And then has numbers after it? That’s what you told us I think.
            So my fever is gone now. My nose is still sour from being so dry and I am still tired, but at least my fever is gone!

          • myloBTF says:

            thanks for the gift! i liked the cheesecake the most. i adopted my blufadoodle in february.

          • myloBTF says:

            wierd i said i saw a bad opera and went to a shop with all new pets like green earth puppy and king charles spaniel! :cry: :cool:

        • myloBTF says:

          sorry i took so long a friend came over and amazed me with her mandolin skills.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Huh that’s weird “Annoymus” IS actually me I have no idea why they called me annoymus I thought I typed my name TheWebkinzWarrior in that’s weird!
            What’s mandolin?

          • myloBTF says:

            hmm… i really want to collect rare items. arte dosen’t have em anymore today. oh well. since fishier fish is here :mrgreen:

          • myloBTF says:

            um, i mean the drawing of Flora with hearts in her eyes.

          • myloBTF says:

            Ok. i bougt a bushbaby today.

          • myloBTF says:

            yesterday i was band from the computer. :evil: :(

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            MyloBTF, I have discovered you do not like girly things.
            Hop was awesome! I love the pink beretts rabbits. They are ninga bunnies who rescue E.B.
            Congradulations on your room! I’m gonna use the Caramel Soup wallpaper for a resteraunt room of mine.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            oooh you have the flu! :( :( :( :( I’m so sorry. The next time I get on webkinz I will send you a get well gift. I hope you feel better soon.
            :sad: :really sad:

        • myloBTF says:

          a mandolin is a mini chinese guitar i think. i sent you a gift.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Thanks, myloBTF, I sent you a gift back! Thanks! :)
            Fishier fish where are you? :(

          • myloBTF says:

            fishier fish?

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            You know her she’s the one we were typing with WHY isn’t she here? Maybe she is busy but otherwise I’m pretty sure this is the spot where we agreed to meet. Fishier fish I’ll send you a gift! myloBTF I sent you a gift. Hope ya like it!

          • myloBTF says:

            FISHIER FISH?!?!? :(

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            UM, why are you having question markes after Fishier fish’s name? You know her! I miss her don’t you? Hmm. Maybe Love Kitten contest is still up for her and so she thinks we’re still there, well if that’s the case she should check here soon because I can’t comment there because Love Kitten is not up for me anymore, and if she’s just busy, well then that’s fine, and actually it happened before that Fishier fish tried to post comments but Ganz wouldn’t post them!

          • Fishier fish says:

            I’m here sorry!

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
            You are really here, Fishier fish? :) That’s great! Were you busy? That’s fine I’m just glad you’re here!!!!!! :) :) :) :)

          • Fishier fish says:

            I don’t know the past days have gone by so fast its all been really weird. But I’m here now!

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Well I hope all your business settles down. So, now that we’re all here I think it’s time to plan where we’re going to go after Deluxe Membership contest leaves. How about….the flora mazin contest drawings winnters?

          • myloBTF says:

            sorry i am sick. :(

          • myloBTF says:

            i sent you a haunted painting.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Now you’re sick myloBTF? I hope I’m not passing my disease around.
            I hope you get better real soon!
            And Fishier fish HELLLLOOOOOO again!!!! :) :)

          • myloBTF says:

            sorry i don’t like flora. :roll: :evil:

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Well all that we could to is just meet there. We don’t have to talk about Flora or anything. Flora contest winners is the contest winners most on the top, so the longer it will be up for you me and Fishier fish to comment on.

          • myloBTF says:

            oh well i hate scrolling down and looking at flora it makes me :mad: and :evil: i really hate the hearts one so talk to Fishier fish ONLY! :evil:

          • myloBTF says:

            NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARTE IS SELLING AN AZTEC FIRE PIT AND I CAN”T AFFORD IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            myloBTF, why don’t you like mazin hamsters? I’m not talking about the hearts one, I’m talking about meeting at the FLOWERS one! And if you don’t even like that then fine, the leonberger. Why so picky? But this is for when Deluxe Membership is gone.

          • Fishier fish says:

            Hello everyone! :80: I’m tired

          • Fishier fish says:

            Are we going to flora’s page or leonberger?

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Hello Fishier fish! I wanted to go to Flora when Deluxe Membership was gone, but for some reason MyloBTF doesn’t want to go there. I haven’t found out why yet. So, I guess leonberger, unless myloBTF says Flora is okay.

          • Fishier fish says:

            Okay leonburger for no anyway.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Yeah leonberger, unless myloBTF suddenly says it’s okay to do Flora.

          • myloBTF says:

            ok, i DO like most MAZIN hamsters like Zap and Honey but i hate flowers.

          • myloBTF says:

            i meant the drawing of Flora with hearts in her eyes!

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Okay. Well then, I guess leonberger when Deluxe Membership is gone. If they announce 2 contest winners or so at once, then we’ll go to flora. BUt otherwise leonberger.

          • myloBTF says:

            :cool: news blog is where you type where you wanna goooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ow: :yum: :roll: :mrgreen: :mrblue:

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Why won’t ganz post my comments? :mad: :mad:

          • Fishier fish says:

            Same here!

          • myloBTF says:

            SAME HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • myloBTF says:

            it’s been saying you are posting comments too quickly slow down since February!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :!: :evil:

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Yeah VERY annoying it is! :exclamation:
            I’m going to try to discover more of those faces to make.
            “light bulb:

          • myloBTF says:

            i will have to talk to ganz. :cool: :mrgreen: :evil:

          • Fishier fish says:

            How are you doing? It feels like we haven’t had a good conversation for a long time, what should we talk about?

          • myloBTF says:

            Room Desighning? :)

          • myloBTF says:

            Okay, gooooooooooooooood news! MY BLUFADOODLE CLUB IS OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen: :) :cool:

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            I’m doing fine! You’re right we haven’t had a really good conversation since a while. MyloBTF suggested room designing. I’m fine with that idea if you are, Fishier fish! So, what kind of rooms do you guys like to make? I like room themes of course, but I also like doing color corrdinate designs like I’m going to make a room that’s green, silver and pink and gray and so I’m going to add furniture that has those colors. I’m using the pink city theme a lot for it!
            How do you do the winking face? I’m gonna see if I can try.
            ;) :winking: :wink:\
            Oh and myloBTF I’m glad your club is open.

          • Fishier fish says:

            I like doing room themes also! But sometimes I just like to do colors like a purple room or green room.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Yes color themes are very fun. :) So also I am working on a resteraunt in my webkinz home. It is pretty crowded right now. I hope it will be more organized soon.

          • myloBTF says:

            i was not allowed on the computer yesterday. :(

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT!!!!! Yesterday for dinner we went to Crackerbarrel, and I got the sugar plum cheeky monkey and hippie hippo!
            Did you know that the hippie hippo is a limited availability? I read that only 3 of those hippos were allowed to be at a store, well that was weird because Crackerbarrel had around 5. And also they were only 14 dollars. :)
            Sorry you couldn’t get on yesterday, myloBTF. I couldn’t get on the internet because the internet wasn’t even working. :(

          • Fishier fish says:

            I was going to get the Suger Plum Cheeky Monkey but they were all smashed. I was also going to get a hippie hippo but I didn’t end up getting one! And isn’t that weird the place I was at had more then 3 also! What do you think your going to name them? My internet doesn’t work sometimes it can get annoying!

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            THE SUGUR PLUM CHEEKY MONKEY WAS SMASHED?? What do you mean?
            And I am not totally sure on my sugur plum cheeky monkey’s name, but I am most likely going name my hippie hippo Swirl.
            I KNOW IT’S SO WEIRD that some stores have way more than 3! And they’re so cheap!
            The internet when it doesn’t work for me, is on rainy days. But some rainy days the internet is fine!

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Oh and by the way I am thinking of maybe selling my glamourous gorilla.
            April fools! Yeah I can’t think of good ones. Sigh. My sister is always telling me that I have stinkbugs in my hair, but I know better then to believe her!
            There is no way I’m gonna sell a webkinz of mine EVER. ;)

          • Fishier fish says:

            I didn’t do this but I was going to, okay i was going to play a april fools prank on my mom, because last night i was sick so I was going to say that I barffed on the wii. Yeah I didn’t say that! You and I were on webkinz at the same time for a second!

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Hahahahahaha! I’m sure your mom WOULD’VE laughed if you did it. (But after you told her you were joking)
            So later today my cousin and aunt are coming over! My cousin is my sister’s age (15). Tomorrow with them we are going to go see HOP! I’m very excited.
            So on my other page I have webkinz up and running. My room is loading.
            OH COOL my food is finally ready to be harvested!
            Wait wait wait there goes a HOP egg clicky clicky! Hmm just some yellow duck candies.
            Okay, back to harvesting.
            TIME PASSES
            Okay my time is up on webkinz. But i can still comment! ;) I do the winking face a lot.

          • myloBTF says:

            really? you like glamourous gorilla, sugarplum cheeky monkey and hippie hippo? not ME! we need a time for the blufadoodle club. :mrgreen:

          • myloBTF says:

            How was hop? :)

          • myloBTF says:

            i’m working on an ancient room. I also got an aztec fire pit. i also used caramel soup wallpaper.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            GRR :mad: :evil:
            I am sooo fusterated at ganz! I responded to you, but ganz never posts my comments! And my comment was so long I can’t just type it AGAIN.
            But congradulatons on your ancient room theme! I bet it is awesome.
            I am going to use my caramel soup wallpaper for a resteraunt in my webkinz home.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            OH and look above for my other message, but right now I want to say… do you want to meet at the caramel lion contest winners when Deluxe membership is gone? We ALL have to agree on this though.

          • myloBTF says:

            i agree! :mrgreen:

          • Fishier fish says:

            How did you get the caramel soup wallpaper?

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            You agree on caramel lion? GREAT! Now we just need to see if it is okay with Fishier fish.

          • myloBTF says:

            play caramel soup video challange. :) then you will be awarded that.

          • myloBTF says:

            So how WAS HOP? :) good? bad? Ganz won’t post my comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Trust me hop was awesome! I did not like the big fat chick that was head chick. He’s evil and wants their to be an “Easter Chick” instead of Easter Bunny.

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Look above for my other comment but right now I will answer Fishier fish’s question. You play the Carame WAIT A MINUTE! I see that MyloBTF already answered this. Okay. So Fishier fish are you okay with going to Caramel lion contest winners instead after Deluzxe is gone?

          • Fishier fish says:

            Thank you myloBTF and TheWebkinzWarrior for telling me how to get the wallpaper! Its fine with me if we go to the Caramel Lion’s page! What do you to think about the Caramel Lion’s music video?

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Hello Fishier fish! :)
            I thought the caramel soup video and music was really cool. Nine Lives is still my favorite though.

          • Fishier fish says:

            I’d have to agree with you on that! I love Nine Lives!

          • Fishier fish says:

            Ugh I have the flu! I don’t feel good! :oops: :cry:

          • TheWebkinzWarrior says:

            Ganz won’t post my comments, but then, what else is new.
            Yeah my top 3 favorite kinztunes songs are:
            Nine Lives
            Wonderful World
            And I’d have to say my least favorite kinztunes song is Stay Away From me.
            When I finally get a pet of the month that I actually adopted in the month, of course, it is a bad song. Of course. Sigh.

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