Deluxe Spring Contest Winners

Congratulations to Nicole, Leah, Taylor, Johnny and Donna. They’ve each been sent a code for 3 months Deluxe Membership! We wanted to know why Spring was your favorite season. Read the winning entries below.

I love spring for many reasons. First, I love all of the flowers that bloom in spring. There are beautiful tulips, roses, daisies, lilies, and petunias. I also love spring because the weather outside is really nice. In spring, it isn’t too hot or too cold; it is just right. Spring is my favorite season because there are beautiful birds and insects and flowers that come back in spring. You also see creatures in spring that you do not normally see any other time of the year. The final reason why I love Spring is because it is nice to be outside playing in the sunshine instead of sitting down and watching television inside. So, as you can see, spring is my favorite season. I love spring more than any other season. The reasons listed above are the reasons why I love Spring so much. I hope that someday Spring will be everyone else’s favorite season as well. I can’t wait until Spring continues this year. I wish that it could be Spring all the time. I love Spring; it is my favorite season!!!! – Nicole

Spring is and always will be my favorite season. It is filled with bright colored flowers and dewy grass. When spring has arrived, you can smell the freshness in the air! “Bzzzzzzz” yellow and black striped bumblebees breeze past the pastel colored lilies. I even named my Daisy Tortoise Webkinz “Flower” because she reminds me of spring! Another thing I love about spring is that with the warm weather, you have plenty of time to play outside with family and friends. During this beautiful season I ride my bike, walk my dog, play with my younger sister and sometimes I even play in the pool. Fall, winter, and summer can’t compare to spring! - Leah

I love Springtime! I love it for so many reasons too! The temperature is perfect. It’s not too hot and it’s not too cold. The butterflies come out and gracefully fly by some flowers. The snow starts to melt away and animals wake up from hibernation. Easter rolls around and the Easter Bunny fills your baskets with goodies! When it’s April, the light rain showers soon bring gorgeous May flowers. We also get a break from school called Spring Break! This is why I love the most wonderful season, Spring! – Taylor

My favorite time of the year is spring. The flowers start blooming and the sun comes out. It is always warm in spring, but not hot (like summer). During Spring, I have April break and I can play on Webkinz all day long. There are great holidays during spring. I love Easter and the Easter- Egg Hunts we get to do. In April it does rain a lot, but it’s totally worth it when the flowers are in full-bloom in May. All the foliage on the trees come back creating shade. Baseball and Soccer seasons start so everybody can get more active. I also get very happy when the ice melts off the road and I hop back on my bike. I can go hiking up a huge hill in my back yard (my hope is to get to the top). That is why I love spring! ☻☺☻ – Johnny

I love spring because the world is coming alive again! The snow is melting, the grass is greening, the hibernating animals are coming out from their winter sleep, and the trees ar budding. The air smells clean and fresh. The birds are making their new homes and preparing for their new families. Spring is a new fresh start for nature! – Donna

59 Responses to Deluxe Spring Contest Winners

  1. cababe6 says:

    GRR! I never ever never ever ever win a contest! It’s so frustrating!

    • pigo9856 says:

      With you there !!! I have entered about 10 or more contest and have not won 1 of them… Add me to the list .. Deluxe is way over ratted and way expensive.

  2. awesomegal says:

    great job other Leah, Nicole, Taylor, Johnny, and Donna.

  3. Heidi2006 says:

    CONGRATS!!!!!!!You all did greatl:)

  4. WWLOVER2000 says:


  5. darthvadery says:

    Hey! Nicole used the same first four sentances as me! This is not fair! Why couldn’t I have won. Ok, maybe I am freaking out for no reason, since nobody could have seen mine in the first place, except for me. :( Sorry Nicole. ):

    • Snugglekinzx3 says:

      Just so you know, I am Nicole. My entry was not copied or anything, directly from my head. I’m very honored to have won, compared to the other ah-mazing entries up there. I’m guessing they chose randomly, because mine was terrible! LOL.

      • darthvadery says:

        Oh ok, im terribly sorry, sometimes i get really upset when I lose something like this, Congratz to you and all the other winners, and once again I am very sorry.

  6. Americanpeepswholiketoeatmeat onbaconwithfriedchicken says:

    I m so mad i never win anything :(

  7. weirddaisy72 says:

    i love being deluxe …. congrats to the winners!! some people say its not cool but i love it!!! so i recommend for webkinz fans to get it…. and its not alot of money really!!
    Love *~weirddaisy72~*

    • IceWolf says:

      Deluxe is WAAAAAYY too much money! What are you talking about?!!! I want to be Deluxe, but I only have $50 in allowance saved! So I can’t . : ( There are SOOOOOOO many different eStore items I want! Being a Non-Deluxe person makes Webkinz World SOOOOO boring!!! GANZ, it is not fair to us Non-Deluxe Webkinz Members. It seriously makes me NOT want to play on Webkinz World because almost everyone is Deluxe!!! It is not our faults to not have the money, it is your faults because you seem to want money! Some people can’t afford a Membership, and you’re pushing it with the Deluxe! Also, I have over 120,000 Kinzcash (seriously! No lies!), and the W-Shop items are really getting old! You need to have a “Ganz eStore Sale” or something! It would be a three-day (or less) sale for people who want things from the eStore, but are not Deluxe! I think it is a GREAT idea! Does anyone agree?! P.S. Please Reply! ~IceWolf

    • webmaster3459 says:

      around how much is it??

      • Jessica says:


        The Deluxe Membership (if that is what you are talking about) is the following amounts of money:
        1 Month – $2
        3 Month – $15
        6 Month – $25
        Year – $45 + an optional bonus account – $5. The optional bonus account is for someone else’s account. You can only get that if you buy the yearly one.
        Hope I helped!!


    • emily says:

      i know my famly dose not have 100$ saved and we cant buy it

    • emily says:

      i do its not far

  8. Islandgirl says:

    Conratulations to everyone who entered! I’m not a deluxe so I don’t think I could’ve entered it anyway.: ) -Islandgirl

  9. dreamerdolphin says:

    Congrats to everyone! :)

  10. BIGTIMERUSHFAN97 says:


    • Moonstar says:

      Nooooooo! I was 100% sure I would win this contest! Maybe I will win the Silkie Chicken but I don’t think I willl. I was so sure I would win this time!! -Moonstar*

      • Dekitten says:

        So was I, Moonstar. Rotflol. Now we have to wait another one million years for the Deluxe to stop teasing people without it :\ Congrats to the people who won!

        • KellyCookieSlideshow says:

          Aw, me too Moonstar. I think that Webkinz Newz should pick ten winners instead of just five, so that more people have a chance at winning. Anyone agree with me?

          • Moonstar says:

            I tottaly agree. I bet that there are a few that were like: Hmm, this one or this one for the last winner.
            I wish they had more writing contest with 10 winners. -Moonstar*

      • SAD GIRL says:


        • Webkinzgirl78 says:

          Yeah I was sure too moonstar!!! And I don’t think it’s fair that they just pic random entry’s and don’t take the time to actually read them. I know there’s a lot of them to read but still with all the workers they have at Ganz they should be able to at least read some of them and I know they have a lot of other work to do but it would be more fair if they did it that way. Comment and tell me if you agree. :mrgreen:

          • cookie kookoo says:

            you make a good point, webkinzgirl78, but i dont agree with you. ganz is a big company that probably has tons of workers, narrow it down. contests are only done in canada and the u.s. i think… half the u.s. is adults, a quarter is too young to understand webkinz, only half of the remaining kids (which is a quarter) actually have webkinz. so only an eight of the u.s. population has webkinz, half of them actually enter the contest. so only one sixteenth of the u.s. enter contests. another sixteenth in canada. one eighth kids in contest which i would guess is about a million kids. ganz has maybe a few thousand workers. each entry might take about five minutes to read and to rate and they come in over the course of about a week or two so mayb they do read them all

          • cookie kookoo says:

            first off, congrats to nicole, leah, taylor, johnny and donna!!! awesome letters guys!!! second off, in response to webkinz girl, we cant b sure they dont read the entries. they might, ya never know. either way contest winners usually do a really good job. this is kinda why i dont enter contests, i dont wanna work so hard and not win b/c either they dont look at my entry or the fact that it is a one in a zillion chance that i would even win.

          • Megzerrzzz says:

            I agree with webkinz girl! First off, I think all entries with grammar/spelling mistakes should be disqualified. After all, when you enter, a red line appears under a misspelled word, and if you right click you can choose the right word.

      • cookie kookoo says:

        congrats to nicole, leah, taylor, johnny and donna!!!! those were amazing entries you sent in! loved them!

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