Dig into a Dish of Monstrosoupy!


Chef Gazpacho here with one of Webkinz World’s creepiest recipes: Monstrosoupy! I guarantee that you will never find another dish with quite so many tentacles. Anyway, here is how you make it:

First, get a stove from the W Shop. Next, you will need something sour and crunchy and something that used to be something else. Oh, and one other thing! Good luck and happy eating!

21 Responses to Dig into a Dish of Monstrosoupy!

  1. LuckyDucky says:

    How and what do you make it in

  2. WebkinzGal says:

    I had no idea this was an unsolved recipe! I’ve got in the Wacky Log-Out Carnival MANY times!

  3. Catlover22334 says:

    I think that the thing that used to be something else is french fries. French fries used to be potatoes, right?

  4. tiny1955 says:

    I have many many refrigerators with 2 of nearly all cool foods here. 2 accounts help with holiday stuff. Good Luck.

  5. beanierudolph6 says:

    thats so cool but arent the foods like that good for our pets i mean like tisslepuff and bubblaroo and thefoods we get from log out carnival but that dosent mean that we cant save them for when we really need them. :) right?

  6. womack24 says:

    The answer is pickles, raisins and mushrooms :)

  7. mamaeukey1 says:

    Cucumbers and Grapes become what? and the third is called Morel and never eat the red ones. Ask and will tell

  8. jennifer says:

    Anyone figure out the Boiled Wyernacle yet? I wonder if the last thing could be “nacle”. I’m running out of ggberries to keep trying. jennifer

    • mamaeukey1 says:

      I would Not use GOO GOO BERRIES. I think it HAS to be Halloween related! BW.

    • Spac3Tehcno says:

      It’s mushrooms, pickles, and raisins! ;) -✰Spac3Te☾hn✪✰

      • Chicago Made says:

        Spac3Techno – …You’re friends with me on WW, right? If not, please add me. I really like your comments! My username is kirbystar5. ✖Chicago Made✖

        • Spac3Techno says:

          @Chicago Made – You’re on my list of friends, don’t worry. I added you a few months ago. ;) BTW, thanks for saying that you like my comments. If anybody else wants to add me, my username is EmoCandyKids132 (Sorry about the username, my cousin came up with it). Anybody can add me, but I’m nothing who’s been on WW for a long time, I joined a few months ago, I log on sometimes, I have some good clothing to trade, so I’ll probably trade with you guys. I’m usually VERY busy with other things than Webkinz, but I’ll be on when I can. So, people can add me. Thanks for taking your time reading this! :mrgreen: -✰Spac3Te☾hn✪✰

    • mamaeukey1 says:

      Barnacle= something with fish?

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