Diva Dressing Room

Hailey here with a pretty exciting dressing room makeover. Elwin and I had the challenge of taking a completely empty dressing room at the Henrietta Hippo Theater and transforming it into a room fit for a diva. In fact, it’s meant for none other than Dacey Bryn herself! Since she’s in town helping to judge “Kinzville Sings!” she needed a place to call her own. So – check it out! We designed one half to be a seating area, so if friends are visiting they’ve got a place to chill out. We also added screens so Dacey could get changed. The makeup table and lights are just perfect for a diva, and the stand of purses is Dacey’s own. When she saw the room, she said it was wonderful – hooray!



45 Responses to Diva Dressing Room

  1. robyn says:

    It does seem like alot of stuff cramped into that space. Why does she need a Persian lounge where she is supposed to be changing, and I have seen them use much nicer vanities before, why not use a nice one when it is actually for a star? I agree that the floor is not great in that room either, and the stage lights need to go. Sorry H & E not in love with this. **Robyn**

  2. tygerkit says:

    yes everyone, the room is small but thats what they had to work with. they should have concentrated on trying to make it look larger with different walls and floors. also if you have one main neutral color and then a pop of something it helps the room look bigger and more modern. the pink stuff doesnt suit dacey. she is a pop star and is probably more mature for her age. pink is too little girly. oh, hello!!! how about the NEW MEGA MODERN THEME! i just thought of that! it would be absolutely perfect for this! ~tygerkit~

  3. RainbowRain* says:

    they tried to fit too much into a small space, I think I would like it better if I could actually tell what the pieces were! Lol JK But still I think it should be bigger, cause I know I could never be relaxed in a dressing room so cramped! ~~Rainbow*Rain~~

  4. pumpkin7203 says:

    Awesome! i’m glad that Dacey liked it!

  5. England says:

    usually i love the rooms, but this ones too cramped, H&E, you guys can do better than this! (even i could ;) ) to mortonhippo- im a teen but i dont have facebook and i don’t have Webkinz Friends. (I do have a webkinz Jr)( long story-don’t ask) GO ORIGINAL WEBKINZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

  6. jennifer says:

    I like the floor, but, I think it’d look better without the rug and plant. jennifer

  7. webkinzlover says:

    not bad but not good either i like mine a LOT better!

  8. kakenta says:

    Great room! I like it.

  9. kittycat says:

    oh yeah so cool! but with some others that they have done they are just blah blah blah! They could do better.

  10. Lemon Starburst says:

    Its kinda cramped. I suggest using a large room next time. Because, you know, celebrities need their space! LOL! XD #Lemon^Starburst#

    • #1Directioner says:

      That’s a really small room. Usaully dressing rooms are way bigger. ~#1Directioner(CatLizKT)

    • Chicago Made says:

      That room’s really small. A larger room would make that room a decent room. And like @Lemon Starburst said, celebrities need their space! Come on, Hailey and Elwin! You guys can do better! This room’s good, it’s just that the room’s so tiny, and cramped. ~Chicago Made☠

    • mortonhippo says:

      I definitely agree Lemon Starburst but does she really need her own dressing room? PS sice i thought of the name can I also be a captain in ” kids against webkinz friends”

    • _starburst_ says:

      @LemonStarburst- I totally agree. This room is MUCH too small. I would suggest a medium room, or even a large. LOL, celebs need their space! ;) Oh, and I’ll join you guys in the “kids against Webkinz friends” thing.

    • CityChicNewYorker says:

      I agree! A celebrity needs space and can never have too much accessories! I think the flooring should be different and the doorway should have a new rug instead of the one they chose.

    • oldwooffie says:

      I agree Lemon Starburst. I usually don’t critizise them, but I don’t like this room. WAY to cramped. I haven’t usually agree with everyone else’s criticizement to Hailey and Elwin, but this time I do agree.

    • Seastorm says:

      it looks really small and the walls are ugly no offense. it also has no windows so it looks like a box with furniture.and way too much pink for the wall color

    • Fieldstonecrossing says:

      Hey’s it’s Sugar!! VERY CRAMPED rofl It kinda looks like u cant even turn around… But I like the furniture :) ~S<3ZaynMalik

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