Ella Interviews an Anonymous Bad Fairy








In the interest of balanced reporting, today I interviewed a bad fairy – who also asked to remain anonymous.

E: Thanks for agreeing to speak to me.
ABF: Well, we can’t have the good fairies doing all the talking, can we?
E: I suppose not. Let me ask you what I asked an anonymous good fairy. What was it like when Nafaria and Alyssa had their fight?
ABF: It was pretty stressful. Everyone had to choose a side – and those of us with a brain in our head chose Nafaria. She’s smarter, stronger and better able to lead.
E: You didn’t like Alyssa?
ABF: She was OK. But Alyssa is much weaker than Nafaria. If we’d ever had the competition to choose the queen, Nafaria would’ve won, no problem.
E: Do you remember what it was like when Nafaria and Alyssa were best friend?
ABF: Yes. It was ridiculous. Everyone knew Nafaria was too good for Alyssa – that she was just her pity friend. Alyssa’s mom and Nafaria’s mom were friends. They forced the girls to play together when they were young.
E: So you don’t think they were ever actually friends?
ABF: I doubt it.
E: Wow. Was Nafaria sad when she had to leave the good fairies?
ABF: Maybe a little? I don’t know. I think she was pretty happy to take up the role of queen again. I only remember one time…one time when she was giving a speech at a banquet. She was telling a story about when she was a child. She said “My best friend at the time was like a sister to me.” And she looked really upset. She left the dinner shortly after that.
E: Do you think they’ll ever speak again?
ABF: No chance. Too much has happened. They’re just too different now.
E: Do you think they could’ve patched things up when the fight first happened?
ABF: Maybe, maybe not. They’re very different fairies.
E: Lots to think about. Thank you, Anonymous Bad Fairy.

51 Responses to Ella Interviews an Anonymous Bad Fairy

  1. starburst says:

    is this friendship month or fight w\ ur bff month?

  2. SavvyShopper says:

    Woe, this month is turning into fight month instead of friendship month. I can’t believe PJ and Ella are in a fight over a party!!!!!!! Come on!!! It’s a party. They shouldn’t break up a friendship for a immature high shcool fight. I just hope these fights find nice endings…..


  3. MDIChickadee says:

    The fairy situation troubles me because not one really knows what happened in the forest, and it seems an issue of striving for power and control, never a good situation. If Nefaria was irresponsible, she needs to apologize to Alyssa. And, if Alyssa can, she needs to accept the apology so that they can again be friends..

    PJ and Ella trouble me, too. What is more important? A friend or a party? I think the former. Again, it seems an issue of power and control. How sad to lose a friend over either of those.

    It is also true that as we grow, we change. And sometimes that means our interests diverge or we change locations and we need to find new people with whom to share our time. Perhaps we do not lose our original friends entirely, but gather new ones, and maybe find a new BFF. Or have more than one BFF, depending on where we are or what we are doing.

    Friends are just too important to lose.

  4. jalen says:


  5. EllySilverStar says:

    I think ABF is wrong! They weren’t forced to play together, they wanted to, I’m sure of it. But now more than ever I am sure that Nafaria is very sad about what happened, and I think she is also sorry. I think why she is like she is now is because she was really hurt, and when nothing was done to fix it, she basically locked herself in a hard shell, but at that dinner party, she accidentally showed her true feelings, and that’s why she left, so she could be by herself. That is so sad. :cry: I wonder. . . will they make up and be friends, now that the case is being investigated? Well, at least we don’t have to deal with Pj and Ella’s whining for a little while, I was about to go crazy. :roll: ~EllySilverStar~

  6. mirihasfun1 says:

    hmmm, i loooove this story, but in the end i’ll be all upset if Nafaria and Alyssa dont get back together!!! i want them to be friends again! they can both be queens or something.

  7. peacepuppyluv says:

    i did not get to read most of it peacepuppyluv

  8. KirtiBirti says:

    People, or fairies, do not usually call themselves good or bad. The fairies themselves don’t think what they r doing is bad, so why do they call themselves that?

  9. helpfulone says:

    Mybe there is a bad fairy because for the game. And the good fairy is in the game too. I play the game is kinda easy. I only can go up to level 10. How many levels can you go up to?
    - helpfulone

    • Straystar says:

      Well, the highest level I have ever gone to is like 9 or something. What is your high score for Crafty Canaries? I don’t seee how people can get to 40,000 points! My highest is in the 22,000′s.

  10. luvme4areason says:

    The bad fairy is maybe Melena, Nafaria’s sis. Just taking a guess.

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