Ella Interviews MC Tusky











We’re pleased to introduce November’s Pet of the Month, none other than the Walrus! And we’re VERY pleased to interview an extremely special Walrus today – Webkinz World famous rapper, MC Tusky!

EM: MC Tusky, thanks so much for taking time out of your VERY busy schedule to give us an interview. We always love talking with musicians!

MCT: No problem, Ella MC W! You know I’ve always got time for the Newz!

EM: So, what prompted you to write your now-famous rap song, “The Coolest Thing is Everything?”

MCT: I was inspired! I love Webkinz World, and I wanted everyone to know it. Now, I wasn’t really planning on singing on the track, but when I ran out of rappers, I knew I had to step up to the mic.

EM: Speaking of the other musicians, how did you persuade them to be in the video?

MCT: I didn’t have to persuade – I just asked!  It’s almost impossible to say no to MC Tusky. I’m a nice guy.

EM: And what gave you the idea to do the video on a subway platform?

MCT: Well, you know – I wanted it to be in the city, not the countryside. I love the big city. It’s full of great stuff to do. Nothing against the country, of course, but the city is where my heart is.

EM: Did you really try to find one cool thing about Webkinz World?

MCT: Yes, I did! I thought, “Tusky, you can do this, man. Just look hard and you’ll find the coolest thing of all.” Problem was, everything was exceptionally cool. So I had to put it all into my rhyme.

EM: We hear that MC Tusky isn’t your real name. What IS your real name?

MCT: You really want to know?

EM: Yup.

MCT: You can’t laugh. No laughing, now.

EM: Nope.

MCT: Tuskbert. But that name just wasn’t ME, you know? So I shortened it to Tusky and added the MC and now everyone knows my name!

EM: Well, we wish you all the best with your music! And congratulations on the Walrus being November’s Pet of the Month. That’s a big deal.

MCT: No doubt. Thanks for your time, Ella MC W!

54 Responses to Ella Interviews MC Tusky

  1. webkinzmember says:

    Cool! Gotta watch it soon!

  2. Howrse H.L.G (Horse Lover Girl) says:

    I wish webkinz would go back to the old cheerful songs, like, I wanna run, Where did you get those stripes, and Piggy plum pie, u know, songs like that, to tell what the pets like, and what it likes and stuff like that. I mean, they can make a song of the coolest thing is everything, but a diffrent beat, and change the words a bit, and just have the walrus in the song, I mean, the pet of the month is not the pug, the tiger, or the pink googles, is it??? or all those pets together, right??? Luv Purple, think Pink and Design Clothes!
    *Howrse H.L.G* Also known as: *Midnight Melody* *Starlight Saga* *Fashion Star* and Peachypup

  3. nothing1500 says:

    Dude that guy is like totale awsome dude. I think all webkinz in webkinz world are gonna love love it!

  4. The Webkinz Pianist says:

    I totally prefer classical music over rap.

  5. The Webkinz Pianist says:

    I also like the got a lotta soft spots for you one.
    sorry about all the comments.

  6. The Webkinz Pianist says:

    Oh, I also like the persian cat one and the walrus one too.

  7. The Webkinz Pianist says:

    My two most favorite pet of the month videos are; I Dream in Pink, and Ms. Kitty. I also like the cocker spaniel one too.

  8. The Webkinz Pianist says:

    Hello! All aboard! :)
    I liked the animation part of the video although I wish that it were not a rap song. I liked the train in the video though.
    Choo choo!!!!!!!!!

  9. Tusky, aka Random says:

    Hey dudes! And dudettes. (sorry, spelling error) The coolest thing of webkinz, I have decided, is…

    ME! and all you fans, too.

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