Ella’s Month of Interviews


Hey everyone! Ella McWoof here with some really exciting news! This month, I’m going to be doing interviews with some of Kinzville’s most famous folks. I’m going to find out all the information YOU have always wanted to know. So here’s what I need from you: in the comments below, tell me who you’d like to know more about, and what you’d like to know about them. I can’t wait to see what questions you come up with!

54 Responses to Ella’s Month of Interviews

  1. Vivien says:

    What is Chef Gazpacho’s fave food?

  2. mallanbond says:

    Well Ella i would like to know more about you and mama gasacho.

  3. lovepuppygirl says:


  4. scotlandd says:

    I’d like to hear more about Sheldon turtle.

  5. mila2004 says:

    well what i want to know is how do you become a deluxe member i want to know because i always get to peek at stuff in the ganz e store and there is really cool stuff there but i know you have to be a deluxe with e strore points to buy stuff there i keep on asking my friends how to and they just dont know how too it would be amazing if i knew and plus you get to do other cool stuff that just having a regular accont i wish just somewhon could tell me. love, mila2004

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