Fantastic Fall Fest!

There’s a chill in the air and the leaves are starting to fall off the trees. You know what that means: Fall Fest is here! Starting today, Fall Fest is on! Every year in Webkinz World, leaves can be seen flying around town. When you see one, click on it to win a prize. There are SO many different prizes to win. From the festive Apple Basket to the warm and cozy Lumberjack Coat to the tasty box of Maple Donuts, we’re sure you’re going to love all the prizes!

10 Responses to Fantastic Fall Fest!

  1. Star Gazer 2003 says:

    I had a blast this year fallfest in webkinz world.My favorite prize was donouts yum.Go webkinz.

  2. mistie1000 says:

    Fall Fest is the absolute BEST Webkinz festival EVER!!!

  3. Becky71W says:

    I got a little of everything. Still have to eat the fudge I bought so I hope I get a tree or two! Then I can give one to a friend.

  4. xxXBlackKnight15xxX says:

    I was up till 3:00 am last night getting the leaves! I got four, and a few hours later i got six! I won a lot of stuff! I hope I get some more clothes:)! Thanks Ganz and Webkinz! This is so awesome!!

  5. lovepuppygirl says:

    I got the donuts and the apple basket so far!!!!!!!

  6. kathy says:

    I love the Fall Fest the best! Thanks!

  7. System Of A Down Chick....Fall Fest's AWESOME says:

    This is what I’ve been waiting for! Fall Fest is awesome, and I love fall. I’m gonna try and get all the prizes. ;) -SOAD Chick

  8. Jewel says:

    I really hope I get some cool prizes because I absolutely love fall fest :) ;)

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