Fennec Fox Contest Winners


Congratulations to Justin, Becca, Maria Jaya and Bailey. They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for an eStore exclusive Fennec Fox! We wanted to know how the Fennec Fox got its long ears — read the winning entries below.

On the day the Fennec Fox was born the sun was bright, the skies were clear and the birds sang more beautiful than ever. Flowers were blooming, bees were buzzing and Webkinz World was coming alive with new Spring life. As the tiny fox stretched its long legs and arched its back to raise its nose into the sweet smelling breeze it was filled with joy! What an amazing day it was, and the little fox perked it’s ears up to listen for all the sounds of Spring. The water was bubbling in the brook and fish were jumping to eat the buzzing bugs. The breeze was blowing through the branches of the trees with their new leaves and flowers where birds were singing many beautiful songs. Squirrels, rabbits and deer were scampering through the fields enjoying the warm Spring weather. The tiny fox loved hearing all the songs of Spring so much it strained it’s ears to hear more and more, and its ears grew and grew! That is how the tiny Fennec Fox came to have such big ears! Happy Spring! – Justin

The Fennec Fox didn’t always have big ears. He actually had rather tiny ears. The Fennec Fox had a very hard time hearing things. Well, one day at the Kinzville Academy, Ms. Cowoline was giving directions for grooming class and the Fennec Fox didn’t hear a thing and she didn’t repeat it. That’s when the Fennec Fox decided he needed a makeover. He wasn’t sure what to do about it though. He decided to take a walk through the Magical Forest to think. He ran into Alyssa who asked him why he was so down. He said it was because his ears were tiny and he could never hear a thing. Alyssa replied, I can easily fix that. With a poof of her wand the Fennec Fox’s ears were very big and he never had a problem with hearing again. – Becca

One day a fox named the Fennec Fox was walking to the Kinzville Park. He laughed when he saw the poor Lil’ White Mouse having a hard time riding the swing set. The Lil’ Mouse was so upset he went to the Magical Retriever to help cast a spell on Fennec Fox. Magical Retriever said that Fennec Fox would soon find himself in a pickle and would regret what he said to Lil’ Mouse. Later that day Fennec Fox saw a jar of pickles. He loved pickles and went to eat some. He got his head through, but he couldn’t get his head out! He pulled and pulled until he had to get help. In order for the Webkinz to get the jar of his head they had to pull really hard. The pull was so strong that it pulled on poor Fennec Fox’s ears and to this day that is why Fennec Fox has such large ears! - Maria

I know you are all wondering…how did the Fennec Fox get such large ears? Well, my friends, here is your answer! One day, the Fennec Fox (whos name was Fenny, mind you) was strolling down the path calmly, thinking of how beautiful his short, silky ears were. Then he saw a rabbit, and immediately became jealous. The rabbit’s ears were so long, soft as swan’s down, and so beautiful. Now Fenny, being a vain creature, wanted ears just as pretty. Fenny asked a friend of his what to do about it. Now this friend was a sly, old fox, who knew that Fenny had a lesson to learn about vanity. He told Fenny that the only way to fix it would be to hang from a tree all night, tied by his ears. Fenny thanked his friend and did so the entire night. During the night, the rabbit watched, thumping his foot, as Fenny slept hanging from the branch. The next morning, Fenny’s ears were as long as the rabbits–but they were so sore! Fenny thanked his friend for the lesson and promised not to be so vain. – Jaya

“Oh no!” exclaimed Abigail the Fennec Fox. Looking at her calendar, she had realized that she completely forgot about Crazy Ear Day at the Kinzville Academy. She gathered all of her school supplies and ran as fast as her paws could carry her to her neighbor’s house. Sarah, the lop bunny (and Abigail’s best friend) who lived in the house, calmly opened the door, asking what the big hurry was. “I totally forgot it was Crazy Ear Day at school!” she burst out, “I need some help!” Sarah, who had beautifully curled her ears, smirked, “There isn’t much you can do with short ears. But, I’ll try to help.” Sarah and Abigail, after much searching in the storeroom, finally found a special ear-growing tonic. Desperate now, Abigail hastily applied the tonic, and without looking in the mirror, rushed off to school. All the Webkinz admired her long, beautiful ears. Eventually, Abigail looked the mirror, and decided to keep the new look, and from then on, she went about with her beautifully long ears. – Bailey

64 Responses to Fennec Fox Contest Winners

  1. r? says:

    I enter tons of contests and never win!!! I always dream of winning the stuff I never use.

  2. Webkinz luver says:

    I think all of them are really good. Justin’s epecially. He has a lot of imagery in his. I can actually picture it all happening in my head. I’m glad he was one of the winnners because his was really really awesome. All of them were, but Justin’s I think was the best.

  3. jjyy says:

    I DIDNT WIN…*sighh*

  4. AMIE says:

    Sigh i really wanted to win!! Sigh i guess
    I am never going to win. :I

  5. Rhoda says:

    Congratulations. You guys are really lucky, I’ll NEVER win ANYTHING.

  6. Spicytunax3 says:

    I’m happy for them, but I’m also upset. Some of these I didn’t think deserved it. I worked really hard on mine, and I thought I had a pretty good chance. But oh well ):

  7. OceanStar says:

    i worked SOOOOO hard on this!!!!!! for hours i tried to think up a good story. And i had to think up how to cut it short!!! =(
    P>S> Add me at Jasdog

  8. polaroid3 says:

    I just LOVED all the stories about the fox’s ear’s!!! My baby sister loves to be read to and I can’t wait to read ALL the stories to her. By the way we love our webkinz!! Webkinz World, Webkinz Newz, and MOST OF ALL the WEBKINZ VAN… Oh and the music!! Can’t wait til song comes out about the fox’s ears.. Peace out..

  9. Justin says:

    hey guys! i won the fox and named it robert.so happy i won!

  10. winner!~aka bailey~ says:

    i just happy i won sorry for other people who didnt i named mine grace

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