Find Meadow – Win a Bloomin’ Bed

Search Webkinz Newz for the floating Meadow MAZIN’ Hamster. When you find Meadow, click on her! Fill in the fields correctly and a prize will be added to your Webkinz World account.

One prize per account, per day. See the schedule.

86 Responses to Find Meadow – Win a Bloomin’ Bed

  1. Dixiecup says:

    This bed is EASILY as nice as any Superbed. The fact that you can place it in all outdoor OR indoor rooms makes it so versatile. It also has that look of luxury! So glad this one is a prize.

  2. gerbilsrawesome says:

    awesome i hope i get it that is a pretty bed

  3. jupiterismyhamster says:

    Yay! I like this bed :)

  4. 61YADO says:

    Awesome! Hello everyone, Have a great day. FRIEND ME I HAVE PLUMPY FOR TRADE.

  5. happygolucky01 says:

    Whoa!! I love the bed!!! I hope we get to get the whole collection, I love the room divider!

    Add me, i’m horse22luvr!

  6. motown17 says:

    that bed is cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. RedPanda says:

    RANDOM CHEESE!!! :mrgreen: Wow, so random!

  8. alexuscj says:

    I’d rather find the items than buy them at the W-Shop.

  9. jewelgreen says:


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