Find Meadow – Win a Bloomin’ Flooring

Search Webkinz Newz for the floating Meadow MAZIN’ Hamster. When you find Meadow, click on her! Fill in the fields correctly and a prize will be added to your Webkinz World account.

One prize per account, per day. See the schedule.

51 Responses to Find Meadow – Win a Bloomin’ Flooring

  1. IryIry says:

    So cute <3 But.. i have flooring :(

  2. zane dx says:


  3. Livia245 says:

    yay!!! this will help me with my room.

  4. zane dx says:

    i are ready got it and its only 6 15 am

  5. rainy929 says:

    Love the Bloomin’ Room Theme. Can’t wait to get all the new items. It’s perfect for Spring and my new Rainbow Armadillo is going to love it! Thanks for chance to get a piece everday. It’s great!

  6. alexuscj says:

    Real great free gifts!

  7. cool says:

    cool i cant wait to see the other things

  8. Wingate2 says:

    Thanks Webkinz for the great gifts. I was able to get the frig, wall paper and floor!!! Well, better go get my new room started.
    Hi to all my friends. Miss you all. HUGS.

  9. cdredder says:

    This is a great way to do a makeover. We spend a little time looking for Meadow and we can decorate with one of my favorite budget stretching secrets- free stuff! Thank you to Webkinz Newz.

  10. auntiecathie says:

    I love this set so much! Its very pretty! :o)

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