Find Meadow – Win a Bloomin’ Stove

Search Webkinz Newz for the floating Meadow MAZIN’ Hamster. When you find Meadow, click on her! Fill in the fields correctly and a prize will be added to your Webkinz World account.

One prize per account, per day. See the schedule.

65 Responses to Find Meadow – Win a Bloomin’ Stove

  1. suger ckick222 says:

    when you click the big hamster head it just gives you the same thing……

  2. lenor64 says:

    Is anyone else having trouble getting the stove. Everytime I try to enter my information, I get the webpage has expired. I never could get the lamp yesterday.

  3. faspa2000 says:


  4. Jay says:

    I wanna find that stove so i can sell it to get 15000 dollars because i have 13000 now

  5. Rockstarcm says:

    Hi! If anyone has any info on the Wild Watermelon Shirt Clothing Machine Recipe, visit our forum, right here on WKN! We have been trying for so long, and have spent thousands of KC trying! We appreciate help! Thanks!

    -Rockstarcm, helper of Wild Watermelon Recipe Forum

  6. puppyluvver101 says:

    its cute! (the stove anyway)

    add me my user name is urev2

  7. YellowLabz4Life says:

    Hooray! I love these Floaty Clicky things. And I love how its green :mrgreen: my fav color

  8. AEOOOOOOOOO1stttttt says:


    • kitty puss!! says:

      WOW… think this is cute????…..i think its really not cute, i dont know y…but you cant really do any thing with it!!!!

    • pozy2010 says:

      hi AEO1st!!!!!!!
      do you have wz jeans??????
      i will trade fairy ball gown for it.
      p.s. to Moonstar: how do you like my signature? i’m not trying to copy you.

  9. Miley200050 says:

    I almost have all of the bloomin’ things!

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