Find Meadow!

Look for Meadow the MAZIN’ Hamster between 12:00am EST on Thursday, May 19 until 11:59pm on Tuesday, May 31 and you could win a piece of furniture from the new Bloomin’ Theme! It’s a great way to help redecorate your room for spring!

Search Webkinz Newz for the floating Meadow. When you find Meadow, click on her! Fill in the fields correctly and a prize will be added to your Webkinz World account.

One prize per account, per day.



Thursday, May 19

12:00am EST until 11:59pm EST

Bloomin’ Sink

Friday, May 20

12:00am EST until 11:59pm EST

Bloomin’ Counter

Saturday, May 21

12:00am EST until 11:59pm EST

Webkinz Newz exclusive Desk Lamp!

Sunday, May 22

12:00am EST until 11:59pm EST

Bloomin’ Stove

Monday, May 23

12:00am EST until 11:59pm EST

Bloomin’ Fridge

Tuesday, May 24

12:00am EST until 11:59pm EST

Bloomin’ Wallpaper

Wednesday, May 25

12:00am EST until 11:59pm EST

Bloomin’ Flooring

Thursday, May 26

12:00am EST until 11:59pm EST

Bloomin’ Bed

Friday, May 27

12:00am EST until 11:59pm EST

Bloomin’ Garden Divider

Saturday, May 28

12:00am EST until 11:59pm EST

Bloomin’ Side Table

Sunday, May 29

12:00am EST until 11:59pm EST

Bloomin’ Floor Flowers

Monday, May 30

12:00am EST until 11:59pm EST

Bloomin’ Couch

Tuesday, May 31

12:00am EST until 11:59pm EST

Bloomin’ Comfy Chair

307 Responses to Find Meadow!

  1. cinpep says:

    The lamp looks so cool!

  2. Grace says:

    Really Cool Guys

  3. ~ Ice Dragon982~ says:

    Can you play Mazin’ hamsters if you don’t have a Mazin hamster????
    Please add me as a friend on webkinz my username is tayla982

  4. cool says:

    that is really cool its also a nice way to save money on webkinz good thinking people

  5. Calypso wuffles her shutters!!! says:

    Fun! Ganz just can’t stop the giveaways, eh? xD

  6. Styleandsportchick says:

    It can?! I had no idea! Im SO buying it!
    btw my user is pookythefarmcat if anyone wants to add meh!

  7. lorkinz says:

    Oh this is wonderful. One of the best new themes ever! Thank you Ganz. :)

  8. HamsterLover says:

    COOL!!! That will be perfect! I kinda wanted to get it but didn’t want to use the kinzcash! Plus, I’m now pretty broke! So if I don’t like it, I COULD SELL IT!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA! THANKS GANZ!!!!!!

  9. nicer says:

    This is sooooo aaweessooome!!!!!!

  10. Angela says:

    Awesome Sauce!!!

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