Find the Floating Peridot Birthstone Gem Stone Lamp!

Attention, August babies!

Keep your eyes open between now and August 23rd for the floating Peridot Birthstone Gem Stone Lamp! When you see it, click on it. Fill in the fields correctly and a Peridot Birthstone Gem Stone Lamp will be added to your Webkinz World account.

Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day. Each day lasts from 12:00am EST until 11:59pm EST.

87 Responses to Find the Floating Peridot Birthstone Gem Stone Lamp!

  1. cinderlou9 says:

    Thanks Ganz for making this a floaty contest! I can never get the click to win ads, so I never get any of those prizes. Very pretty lamp. Hoping for the September one & for it to be a floaty contest too. If anyone needs help with their buildings, add me at cinderlou9. Good luck in the Wacky contest! cinderlou9

  2. gaberdoodle1234 says:

    I sure hope they dont make it super hard like they did with the red lamp. I liked the idea of getting different red items but it seemed like getting the lamp was super hard. Got a ton of chairs but really wanted the lamp. Thanks Ganz and Webkinz for all the contests and gifts.. they’re great!!

  3. lillie2001 says:

    I have to wait until the first month and do august people only get the or can other people get the lamp

  4. hannah says:

    for december they should have a white one because i was born in december and white is the colour of snow

  5. Glamour says:

    How about citren or orange topaz my birthstone is November

  6. pony4141 says:

    I won it!!!

  7. koalavm1d says:

    i’ve won this lamp so many times its literlly every where

  8. lollpop101 says:

    i got it but i really want the september one.<3

  9. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    I love this birthstone lamp and I loe the click to win ads! I can’t wait to show this lamp to my webkinz pets! >>cathouse2 >^-^<

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