Fresco Contest Winners

Congratulations to Faith, Shirley, Cassie, Mackenzie and Taylor! They've each been sent a Feature Code for Fresco the MAZIN' Hamster! Check out their masterpieces below.






63 Responses to Fresco Contest Winners

  1. ifdh says:

    GOOD JOB!!!!! AMAZING ART!!!!!!

  2. Tarabella9 says:

    Wow! Those are great! Good job guys, and congrats on winning!

  3. Jordan says:

    I LOVED all of them but i LOVED Faiths the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Amber420 says:

    Wow! Those are great :]

  5. Anna says:

    They’re sooooo cute.

  6. Rillan says:

    I want Presto more, but cool art!;)

  7. mazinhamstersfrescocontest says:

    WOW! these people have T.A.L.E.N.T!!!!!! to draw that good! thankfully they will get a frsco mazin hamster for thier time and effort for this!

  8. raraandnini108 says:

    Nice! I wish I could draw like that!

  9. bec23 says:

    They are all awesome!!! :)

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