Golden Gobbler Contest

What did the Golden Gobbler do this Thanksgiving? Tell us and you could win an eStore exclusive Golden Gobbler!

Visit the Contests page to enter. Contest open until November 27.

27 Responses to Golden Gobbler Contest

  1. SEB21342 says:

    Once there was a cowardly turkey, the golden gobbler to be exact. He hated Thanksgiving, it was so dangerous! Every Thanksgiving week, The Golden Gobbler would haveto hide away, eating only what he’d stored up and just hope no hungry people were after a fresh, free turkey dinner. On the 3rd day of his hiding, he found a man, hunter of course. He snuggled back into his hole, farther and farther until he couldn’t anymore. Staring off, the man left. Or so Golden Gobbler thought. He wobbled out, and he felt cold, hard metal beneath his frozen, scaly feet. *SNAP* He was trapped! Inside a cage! The hunter came running in, snatched the cage and tossed it to the back of his truck. The Golden Gobbler was terrified! It all happened to fast! The truck rummbled and rode off. He had time to think before he’d reach the house. So he thought up an escape plan. He slowly turned the latch with his beak and it popped open. “Easy as pie! Pumpkin pie to be exact.” He thought to himself in the Thanksgiving spirit. He hopped of the bed of the truck and wobbled on home, safe from any hunters. For the man though, he ended up having ham instead.

  2. catluv says:

    Aww……………………………………………………. I wish it were a golden cat. I’m sorry I’m just a big fan of cats. I have one she’s adorable her name is Caramel. I named her that because she’s white with orange- brown splotches. I might enter this conest, though.

  3. LemonCandy etc. says:

    Good luck! Hope you win a golden gobbler! ;)

  4. unet101 says:

    Ooh! I think I might just have to enter that! Good luck to everyone!

  5. Info Kid says:

    Cool! I have to enter!

  6. Hermione says:

    Good Luck to all who enter!

  7. peacegirl1530 says:

    One day, the golden gobbler was hungry and he looked in the cupboard. There was no food in there that was
    Thanksgiving-ish. So, the golden gobbler set of to find the golden Thanksgiving feast that was set on top of Mount Kinz. The golden gobbler didn’t want to do it, but he climbed Mount Kinz. As he reached the top, there was no feast. “I came up here for nothing!?” Thought the golden gobbler as he slid down. The golden gobbler saw a glow. Was it the feast? The golden gobbler dug and dug and he found the feast. It was the best Thanksgiving ever! The End.

  8. Harrypotterrocks says:

    I don’t know. What did the Golden Gobbler do on thanksgiving?


    • PolkaDotSpots93 says:

      This is what the Golden Gobbler Turkey did, dear harrypotterrocks:

      The kitchen was bustling,
      The people were hustling,
      To make the Thanksgiving feast

      The Golden Gobbler Turkey was dancing,
      His good friends were prancing,
      They were all having a good time.

      But then bad news struck,
      It turned out, they were out of luck!
      For-alas!- there was no cranberry sauce.

      The dancing was stopped, and the hustling ceased,
      Would anyone here have a mighty good feast?
      The Golden Gobbler Turkey’s friends sat and waited, for the cranberry sauce was absent.

      Then, to everyone surprise,
      The Golden Gobbler Turkey opened his eyes.
      He dashed out of the room, leaving his friends to ponder.

      When the Golden Gobbler Turkey returned,
      Everybody did learn,
      That the smart Golden Gobbler Turkey had produced a can of cranberry sauce!

      And so they hustled and danced,
      Bustled and pranced,
      For the good Golden Gobbler Turkey had saved Thanksgiving day.

      (I really wish I could enter, or that Webkinz could have contests ON Webkinz. I can’t enter on WebkinzNewz. :( )

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