Golden Gobbler Contest

What did the Golden Gobbler do this Thanksgiving? Tell us and you could win an eStore exclusive Golden Gobbler!

Visit the Contests page to enter. Contest open until November 27.

27 Responses to Golden Gobbler Contest

  1. jomama says:

    when are we going to find out the winners

  2. webkinz fan says:

    i wrote a story….. I ain’t tell’in no one!!!

  3. me says:

    Super cute!!! He prob. will disguse himself as a gold coin fr thanksgivi’n :D

  4. Zooooooz says:

    peacegirl1530 and SEB1342, these are great stories! But you need to go to the Contests page to enter them. You will not win if you enter them here. Good luck! :)

  5. kt899 says:

    one day on thanks giving the golden gobbler had prepred a fiest with stuffing chicken pie all his favorit things but his friend that was going to come to thanksgiving feast was lost and so the fiest was cancled but the golden turcky could not cancle thanks giving so he went out looking for his friend and he found him by the lake and his friend said to the gobbler that he was sorry for being late and he got lost becuse he forgot his map and when he went back home to get it he could not find it so he just went out without it and the gobbler said its ok but i almost cancled it and his fish friend said he new how to make it up and he asked the turcky to help him to his house and when he got there the fish friend ran in and a few minutes later he came back out with a cherry pie and he said he could have it for his feast and the gobbler said thank you very much and they went back to the gobblers house and had the best thankgiving ever there was cherry pie,ham,farm freash milk,stuffing,green beans,potatos,and bread with butter yum and that was the golden gobbler feast


  6. Cinderpelt says:

    Kewl! Although I won’t enter, good luck to those who do!!!

    ~Happy Thanksgiving! :D

  7. ella says:

    soooooooooooo cute!!!!! i want it i have only one webkinz and my account expires this month on the 30th of november :) :(

  8. jenmatlak says:

    Cool prize! i’m not entering it though.
    :smile: Smile! :smile:

  9. JellyBelly879 says:

    Once there was a Golden Turkey that they called the Golden Gobbler!
    He refused to eat on Thanksgiving day! No one understood! He couldn’t talk, nor wright. The rest of the Turkery’s were just a little bit confused. Each one of them went up and showed him a food. Every single tine the Golden Gobbler shooked his head, But then one little turkey came up with a smile and showed him a Golden Cobbler. Surprised The Golden Gobbler did a little sniff there, and then a little sniff there, and Oh my gosh! He took it and ate it! From that day forward they only fed him food that was the color of gold.

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