Happy Groundhog Day!

Well, howdy Webkinz! It’s my very favorite day of the year – Groundhog Day! Why is that? Because….I’m a Groundhog! And as a Groundhog, I think it’s only fitting that I teach you my very favorite poem. In fact, I wrote it! It’s called: “My Shadow.”

February second is Groundhog Day,
And something happens, so they say.
Everyone comes and stands together,
So a Groundhog may predict the weather!
If the sky is cloudy or filled with rain,
The answer, then, will be quite plain,
If a groundhog’s shadow cannot be seen,
Then soon the grass will be warm and green.
If the sun is in the sky,
And his shadow he can spy,
He’ll wrinkle his nose and puff his cheeks,
‘Cause winter will last SIX MORE WEEKS!

Did the Groundhog in your area see its shadow today? How much more winter do you have before spring arrives?

214 Responses to Happy Groundhog Day!

  1. Jan says:

    I love groundhogs so much. They are really cute.
    P.S. I want the Packers to win the super bowl

  2. udumb2 says:

    groundhog day is just a scam!there is always 6 more weeks of winter.so all u people that are excited about spring you still got a month and a half 2 wait

  3. ToontownTanzie says:

    Herman54, don’t you eat popsicles in the winter?! Or your mommy doesn’t let you?

  4. webkinz user says:

    okaaaaaaaaaaaay kinda weird

  5. 7allison says:

    I’m 11 and I still play this game. Some of you don’t know how to type!

  6. sherbet says:

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! This is such a sweet little poem.My groundhog
    says there will be more winter to come!!!Ha Ha lol!!!All though I can not wait for summer I love winter too!!!

  7. elisabeth says:

    wow,cool I thoght it was great!

  8. Nikole says:

    I Want Spring To Go and Summer Come!!

  9. Lucy says:

    Maybe to celebrate Ground Hogs Day we should get a Theater In Webkinz World ! :)

  10. Tara says:

    The groundhog DID see it’s shado!!!! YES! SSSSPPPRRRIIIINNGGG!!!!

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