Holiday Husky Contest Winners

Congratulations to Rachel, Lisa, Megan, Martha and Michaela! They’ve each been sent a Secret Code for an eStore exclusive Holiday Husky. We wanted to know why winter was your favorite season — read the winning entries below.

Winter is my favorite season because it is always so cheery and everyone is always happy. The snow brings an even better spirit. You can sled, and ice skate, and play hockey. You can build snowmen and make snow angels. Also winter means CHRISTMAS! Christmas brings family and friends together; it is just a happy mood, all around. Putting up the Christmas tree is fun, too! Winter is awesome too because there are all sorts of good, yummy foods. In our backyard there is a hill, so I can sled! Then when I come in my mom makes me some warm, sweet, hot chocolate. That’s why I LOVE the season winter! - Rachel

Wintertime is a spectacular season. The air is crisp, cool, and clear. The snow is like a blanket of powdered sugar resting upon the curving hilltops. Smells of cinnamon and sugar fill the air, along with the scents of my favorite snickerdoodle cookies. Yum! Everything in winter is amazing. Christmas is another reason to love winter. Christmas is my favorite holiday (besides my birthday, which is a worldwide celebrated holiday- actually I wish it were but it isn’t). At Christmas everything sparkles and beams, and joy fills the air. As Christmas takes up the majority of winter, a whole month is touched up by it, and New Year’s follows right after, it ensures the cheer. Winter is my favorite season, a gorgeous season of laughter and fun. – Lisa

Winter is my favorite season. Snow is falling from the sky and is gently piling on the ground. When the snow is untouched in the dawn sunlight it is more beautiful than a beach sunset. This is only the first reason why I love Winter. The Christmas tree is up and is lighting up the whole room with bright and cheery colors. Decorating the tree is what I love to do on chilly days with my family. After all, isn’t that what Christmas is all about?  To sum up my thoughts about Winter I would have to say I love snowmen. Sometimes in the middle of winter I ask my parents if I can take a walk just so I can see the house decorations and of course the snowmen. That’s all I have to say about Winter but before I say goodbye I would like to tell everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. - Megan

I love winter because it is so poetic. I love to write poetry, and every time I look out the window during wintertime, I see something that can inspire a piece of poetry. The crisp, cool snowflakes are refreshing as they fall on my face, and as they do, I am thinking of different words to describe them in a poem. When I hear my boots crunch over the snow-covered grass, I memorize that detail for my next poem. As I look up into the sky, I see wispy cotton candy floating above a wonderful world of white. When I glide back into my house, eager for a cup of steaming hot chocolate, I look into the mirror, and I see that the tip of nose is pink, and my ears are matching. Winter is my favorite season because it gives me inspiration. - Martha

Winter is my favorite season because I like to play outside in the snow with my friends and then go inside and drink hot chocolate. I also like winter because it is when Christmas happens. Another thing why winter is my favorite season is that you can go snow tubing and sledding. And because we get to stay home from school if the weather is really bad. This winter my dad might take me skiing. Me and my dad always go to the state park by my house and go down to the beach and it is so pretty because there are snow dunes and that is when the lake is frozen. I also love to eat the snow and the icicles and one year I dumped syrup on the snow and it tasted so good. I remember when I, my dad and my dog Elvis went to the baseball fields and my dad tossed a ball and my dog slipped on the ice. It was really funny; don’t worry he wasn’t hurt. My dad always hates winter because it is really snowy and he has to shovel the drive way at like 5 in the morning before work. I love winter so much!!! – Michaela

14 Responses to Holiday Husky Contest Winners

  1. Katie says:

    Aww man :’( I thought I did a great job on the story :( Congrats to the people who won.

  2. tera says:

    winter is my favorite hallway becues I can git more webkinz and log thum on my favorite game webkinz word!!!

  3. AMM098 says:

    @-Megan. Winter is as mejestic as you made it sound but that’s not what Christmas is all about.

  4. Majestic says:

    Congrats to all! i loved Megens the most!

  5. kaitlyn says:


  6. CatloverClover says:

    Since I lost the Golden Gobbler one, I was thinking MAYBE, just MAYBE I had a slim chance of winning this. So cool to get an exclusive pet only from the Ganz estore! Sadly I can’t do that…Now I only have the Mistletoe Mouse to hope on…probably another lost for me…
    Congrats winners! I really like two of them. :)

  7. Nidorina88 says:

    Aawwww i really hoped i won….and i wrote something really good i thought! *sigh* oh well….Well congrats to the winners…

  8. catluv says:

    Aw I entered, but didn’t win! Oh well you win some, you lose some. Congrats to the winners! Great job!
    ~catluv…..luv the cats!!~

  9. blahblah says:

    Congrats!! i can tell u guys spent a lot of time on it!!!! :lol: :D

  10. Florida Gators says:

    Wow! Congrats everyone who won! They were all great! I really liked Martha’s different approach to it.

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