Interview with the Polar Bear

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Interview with the Polar Bear

Dear readers,
It’s me, Ella McWoof, Jr. Reporter at large! I got a chance to sit down and chat with one cool polar bear – the Iceman himself from December’s Pet of the Month video! Here’s what he had to say.

EM: So, Iceman, thanks for joining us today!

IM: No problem, Ella! I’m glad to be here.

EM: I guess I’ll ask the question on everyone’s mind: where in Webkinz World did you learn to play the sax?

IM: Ah, it’s a skill I’ve had for a long time, Ella! I learned from my dad – he was a bluesy, jazzy bear. He taught me everything I know when I was just a cub. Playin’ the sax is pretty much my favorite thing to do. That’s why I was so pleased to star in the Polar Bear’s pet of the month video.

EM: And a great video it is! Not only is the song totally catchy, the video is also really funny!

IM: We worked hard on it – I’ve got a feeling that we’ve got ourselves a chart-topper.

EM: Agreed. So, let’s talk about being Pet of the Month. How does that feel?

IM: Well, obviously I’m thrilled that the Polar Bear was picked as December’s Pet of the Month. It’s an honor! As a Polar Bear, I can tell you honesty that we are a cool crew – you can’t go wrong when you adopt a Polar Bear.

EM: And when you adopt the Pet of the Month, you get a loot bag, right?

IM: You sure do – there are some really great things in there, including a Pet of the Month gift…and a recipe food. That’s another thing about Polar Bears. We love to eat.

EM: And if you adopt a Polar Bear during December, you get to download Iceman Blues from Music Starz, right?

IM: Oh, yeah! Then you can listen to it all the time! Because, as you probably heard, Polar Bears also like to dance.

EM: So do dogs, Iceman.

IM: In that case, crank up the tunes!

EM: Well, dear readers, it seems that I’ve got some moves to bust. Until next time!

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