Look for the SPREE Ad!

Keep your eyes open for this ad on Webkinz Newz! You can expect to see it most Saturdays, as well as another day during the week!

63 Responses to Look for the SPREE Ad!

  1. BatRulz says:

    I hope this one works…

  2. otterburne says:

    They never said today…

  3. sharodell says:

    It would be nice if the ad showed up! This is the 100th time something doesn’t work on here. Surprise Surprise :( Not fair when you sit on here for hours and can’t even find Hailey 5 times!!!

    • dewdrop says:

      Hi look really hard on the blue sides of any page of webkinz news as Hailey is mauve it is a bit hard to see at times also check page twice as sometimes Hailey appears after the page has fully loaded , hope this helps , all the best dewdrop:)

  4. MoneyMoneyMoney says:

    HI I WANT TO FIND THE AD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. geogal says:

    This is great…BUT…is anyone else having trouble finding the ads?

    • sharodell says:

      Yep! 3 of us here and we haven’t saw it one time yet! I wish we got 3 rolls a day, it takes forever to get anywhere on the map!

    • dewdrop says:

      Yeah I have :( oh well I will keep trying , I did find one the other day when went to log on to the webkinz game :)

      • cutie says:

        Hey ,dewdrop, hope you liked what I sent you. My gradma took me and all the girls in my class to three of the road trip events. I got so much,I wanted to share. Wish I could send a Persephone shopping bag,but can’t mail those. Let me know what would be on your wish list! Thanks Webkinz Road Trip Crew, you all ROCK.

        • dewdrop says:

          Hi, and thanks so much for your special gift you sent me I loved it I collect all the cars and ride on objects, Your Grandma is super cool to take you and all the girls in your class to the Webkinz road trip ,three cheers to Grandma :) One thing I have always wanted is the donuts tree,but that is old and properly really hard to get. So if you get anything that is not available in the Curio shop and you and your friends don’t have I wold really appreciate it .Take Care and Thanks again :)

    • softball says:

      i totally am with you geogal i can’t find them eighter i sit and sit and flip through forms. so yessss i am having trouble finding the ads anyone else

  6. twitch says:

    This is great! I need more mall credits!

  7. Picklesryum says:

    WELL……. I think that you should pop up the spree sign all week. It would help us out with the game. I always end up on the STOP spots. I don’t know why though!!! That is what I think.


  8. Tilde0213 says:

    I <3 SPREE!

  9. Pinkydo9902 says:

    No way! That’s totally cool. :)

  10. lovinpigs9 says:

    sweet, i already found one this saturday!:)

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