Look for the SPREE Ad!

Keep your eyes open for this ad on Webkinz Newz! You can expect to see it most Saturdays, as well as another day during the week!

63 Responses to Look for the SPREE Ad!

  1. zach77040 says:

    i have not seen the ad!!!!!

  2. megan647241 says:

    I am only a couple rolls away from getting to the mall too. Hope you get there soon jl510

  3. megan647241 says:

    I haven’t found the ad and it is Tuesday so I don’t think the other day is Tuesday.( :

  4. jl510 says:

    Hey guys! Right now I’m like 2 rolls away from the mall I can’t wait 2 get there!

  5. pets4pam says:

    I’ve been searching the site for about TWO HOURS now and still CAN NOT find this ad!!!

  6. lovemylife33 says:

    i luv spree soooo much
    reply to this if u luv spree too!!]
    :D :P :D :P :D :P :D :P :D

  7. gramma7 says:

    Hey !! I have been flying through the Spree Game. I haven’t bought any credits. I have just worked with what I’ve got. I’m only mere steps from entering the Mall for shopping….. Ye !!!! Spreeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. ilovespree says:

    I haven’t found any yet and I’ve been looking forever!

  9. gwenelizabeth2 says:

    Hate that it is mixed in w/ other out of house ads. Just so they can get a count to sell ad space. I like ads that contribute not distract. We had to re load Carme Lion video 5-6 times because the snoop ad was in the way–totally inapprppriate for kids. most ads on here are. I know this is for parents to help w.ith but lots of kids are unsuperviced. please keep ads age appropriate. As a parent I now have to worry when my littlest watches the videos–one of her fav activity.

  10. 4801kay says:

    i saw it but did not click it i did not know what it was.

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