Look for the SPREE Ad!

Keep your eyes open for this ad on Webkinz Newz! You can expect to see it most Saturdays, as well as another day during the week!

63 Responses to Look for the SPREE Ad!

  1. lonewolf says:

    thanks for the coolest glasses.that a person could own.thanks webkinz newz website.you have outdone yourselves.having lots of fun with this…

  2. pondkid2 says:

    your awesome!

  3. Kate says:

    it won’t let me play spree on the lap top. on the computer it will let me and im almost to the mall.

    resond if you already been to the mall

  4. krite says:

    i dont now how to get to the games i cant

  5. krite says:

    im never gonna win i only did once

  6. krda39 says:

    I also had trouble viewing the ad. Then I logged into my account and was able to find them. I also had an easier time finding it on the KInzpedia pages just like the person above suggested. They are on other pages as well but much easier to find in Kinzepedia. Good luck everyone!

  7. plumpysfan says:

    Hey anyone having trouble viewing the ads for the spree roll, I just clicked on the red [x] and it took me right to the spree page for the dice.

  8. meagan5h says:

    I have a hint I hope helps. Look in the Kinzapedia pages go through all 7 I usually find them there. I have not missed 1 day finding them. But you may have to go through it several times> I love this site and I hope I helped some people.

  9. TJ says:

    Why play at all when a spree card can take all your shopping bags away? Not fair.

  10. OldGiraffe says:

    The ad is *invisible* for me, but there was a tiny ‘broken image’ symbol, which I clicked on, and it gave me the spree bonus roll. So if you see a tiny symbol (on my browser the broken image symbol looks like a piece of paper with a gray jagged rip across it, but in another browser it might be a red x in a box) ciick on it and maybe you’ll be lucky.

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