Manic Magician Contest

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

Is your Webkinz pet a master magician? We want to see your drawings of your Webkinz pets performing magic tricks! Five entries will receive a Manic Magician Prize Pack (the “Prize”)!

The contest opens at 12:00 am EST on May 27, 2011 and ends at 11:59 pm EST on May 29, 2011. For details on how to enter the contest and the official contest rules, click here.

To enter, visit the Contests page when this contest opens and fill in the form. Entries submitted in the comments will not be considered.


70 Responses to Manic Magician Contest

  1. Moose Lover says:

    I can’t do it : (

  2. emily says:

    i WANT that room theme


  3. I'm awesome says:

    can you unload a drawing without the scanner thingy? and if u can, how?

  4. Lisa says:

    Sounds like a fun contest! Magic shows are cool.

  5. Annika says:

    IIIIII want do winnnnnnnnn

  6. cababe6 says:

    I had some technical difficulties when I was drawing.I sure hope I win!!!!!!!!!

  7. hayhai2005 says:

    I really like this, and would love to WIN! But i also think there should be more chances to win!!!!

  8. ecel33 says:

    Cool!!! :-)

  9. 8supercooper says:

    man i really want iittttttt!!!!!!

  10. Chocolatelover says:

    Awesome. I love to draw!

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