Medieval Room Theme

Elwin here with another awesome Rare room theme to share! It’s one of my all-time favorites: the Medieval theme!


I created this room for a client who happened to love all things medieval. This was in his basement, and he wanted it to feel like a special castle hideaway.

I LOVE the long dining table (perfect for hosting royal gatherings), the knights standing on guard, the thrones (as you can see, my client’s wife enjoyed her throne immensely), and the sitting area. I also really like the bedroom, and how it’s set apart from the rest of the room by the gorgeous  dividers (I got those at the eStore).

The drapes, tapestries and windows are excellent accessories, and the stone walls and floor really makes this room look like it’s from back in medieval times!

If you want to build a Medieval lair of your own, read on to find out how to get Rare items!

36 Responses to Medieval Room Theme

  1. dewdrop says:

    Wow the screens look fantastic !!! I have never seen them before are they available in the curio shop or are they a E.Store item???( i just re-read the intro and the screens are E.Store :( I have all of the other items ( more then one of each ,more like 3 or 4 of them ) . this is one of my fave themes :) dew

  2. Gabriella♥ says:

    I wonder what the knights are for… probably just for decoration. ♥

  3. CoconutCloud says:

    I love how Medieval Things are so much like Castle Things! It makes me really like this theme! ~CC~

  4. MDIChickadee says:

    What an amazingly wonderful room!! Yes! Yes! Yes! All the best! MDIChickadee

  5. wpc1900 says:

    It’s not for me but you did a real good job with it.

    • Rainbow Rain (Grace) says:

      I agree wcp1900. The room is lovely, its just not my taste. I do, however, like the dividers and the windows. But if the dividers are from the estore and they are showing curio shop themes, why did they put them in there? Whatever. I think my favorite so far is the Persian!

  6. bookworm says:

    they shouldn’t use estore itmes in a rare room theme photo.

  7. jennifer says:

    I love it. Why are the knights kneeing? I guess becauce Webkins are so small. My King Charles Cocker Spaniel that the kids are getting me for Christmas would love this room. Must start planning. jennifer

  8. Peanut M&M says:

    I like this room theme! :D I have some a room that looks kinda looks like this. :)

  9. webstar says:

    so cool! i want one!

  10. OneLove says:

    This is one of my favorite room themes. :D

    • Northwestern...In my opinion says:

      I think they should add some medieval instruments like violins, because it would be so cool. I had a solo performance today in orchestra class and it was so much fun compared to last year

      • sarahandlacey says:

        I don’t really love this theme, but good for those who do! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

        • Moonstar says:

          I agree Northwestern. They should make Medieval Intruments. But I think they would be best in the eStore. :) I also agree sarahandlacey. I am not a huge fan of this room, but I do have a special rare room made for it. :) -Moonstar◙◙◙

          • sarahandlacey says:

            Thanks for agreeing Moonstar! Glad you’re back! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

          • sparklegirlLT says:

            I have most of this theme. :) ~(*)sparklegirlLT(*)

          • SquirrelFlight says:

            I love this theme, I’m collecting it. But I made my room more like a library though…. this room seems like to much gray. #myopinion -SquirrelFlight

        • JayceStar says:

          I just don’t like the colors. Midieval instruments would be nice, too bad I don’y actually play any. My favorite theme would have to be Victorian! :D But cool drawer, looks good in every dining room! -JayceStar☆★☆

    • PhoenixWind says:

      All right! Medieval room theme is awesome. I, too, am a fan of Medieval. Probably not as much as that customer, but I think it’s interesting. Peace out, Phoenix WInd

    • Lemon Starburst says:

      Mine 2! :) I can just picture royalty seated at that table. ~Lemon*Starburst~

    • mama E says:

      NO PLUMPY POSTING TODAY OR is it over already?

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