Molly’s Craft










I always have great ideas, but usually have a hard time remembering them. Fortunately, I’ve got this terrific craft to help!

What you need:

Small pad of sticky notes, construction paper, scissors, glue, stickers, markers – whatever you want to use to decorate the cover of the note pad

What you do:

  1. Cut a piece of construction paper to fit over the sticky notes. It should fit the back and front, like the cover of a book.
  2. Glue the cover to the back of the pad of sticky notes.
  3. Decorate the front and back.
  4. These are super-handy to keep in your backpack!

11 Responses to Molly’s Craft

  1. lovepuppygirl says:

    A very smart idea Molly!

  2. MDIChickadee says:

    Great idea, Molly! Thanks for sharing it!

  3. Cinderpelt says:

    Oh my gawsh!! Molly, thaht’s a great idea. I always write down stuff, like when my homework’s due, or when I have to leave for something. These would be perfect for people like me LOL! Good job ;)


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