Mother’s Day Contest Winners

Congratulations to Katilynn, Sophie, Jen, Heather and Amanda. They’ve each been awarded a Mother’s Day Prize Pack.

We wanted to hear what you would get your mom if you could get her anything at all. Read the winning entries below.

If I could get my mom anything I would get her a farm for flowers, fruits, and veggies. The reason is that she LOVES planting things with me. Some things we plant are strawberries, columbines, and beets. She would like to plant raspberries but we do not have enough room. And that is why I would want to get my mom a farm. - Katilynn

I know my mom loves to watch Food Network, so if I could do any thing for her for Mother’s Day, I would probably try to get Rachel Ray, Paula Deen, and Giada De Laurentiis (her favorites from Food Network) to come to our house. She watches their shows all the time and would love to meet them. I would ask them if they could cook a meal with my mom, because she is always saying how she wishes she could cook as good as they can, even though I think her meals are fine. I would also buy 200 lottery tickets so that I could win the lottery for her, so that she could go to New York with my dad and she could go on a shopping spree. That is what I would surprise my mom with if I could do anything for Mother’s Day. – Sophie

I would give her a humongous pool in our backyard because she has always wanted one. On top of that, it would come with tons of flowers, a spa day, and a trip for her to go to an all inclusive resort wherever she wanted for one week! Also, a neverending supply of 20 dollar bills. Each time she reached into any pocket she would pull out a 20 dollar bill. She would like that a lot because she never has change ready and always has to use her debit card. This would be the most wonderful mother’s day present that she would never forget! I love giving my mother a wonderful present that puts a smile on her face. Those are the most wonderful moments for me! - Jen

Moms are so special, they deserve the best of surprises! I think I would start with breakfast in bed. That would be a great start to the day. After that, it’s time to go on a great shopping spree to find a new dress. Now that the dress is taken care of, it’s time to go get her hair and nails done. Now that she is looking her best, it’s time for a great dinner at a fancy restaurant. After that busy day, Mom needs a rest. And so, off to get a massage and day at the spa. When she gets home, she finds the house is full of her favorite cut flowers. She also finds that the entire house is clean and tidy, so there is no housework for her to do. Even the sheets on her bed have been changed to her favorite super soft Egyptian cotton sheets. Just as she’s tucking into bed, she finds a card under her pillow saying how much I love her. - Heather

If I could do anything for my Mom I would have a maid come to our house for a month. Then, I would send my Mom to the spa for three months. Then, I would send her on a cruise to her favorite place, The Dominican Republic. Yes, that sounds like a lot but I know these are three things she would really enjoy. She cooks and cleans and is very kind, she thinks of everyone and I feel like sometimes she forgets to think about herself. That is why I feel as though she deserves these three things. I wish all Moms out there a Happy Mother’s Day. - Amanda

24 Responses to Mother’s Day Contest Winners

  1. Jeanene says:

    Heather is my friend and she won this contest! How cool is that? I know a semi-famous person! She is the bestest ever. Congratulations Heather! and Amanda, Jen, Katilynn and Sophie too!

    • HeatherCatlady says:

      LOL, you’re so crazy! The same crazy as me! No wonder we get along so well! Thanks for all the congratulations, everybody. I was so surprised to win, but I would do that and so much more for my mom if I could. She deserves it!

      Thanks again, and congrats to the other winners,

  2. finemilkchocolate28 says:

    What cute answers! I would do anything for my mommy!

  3. sophage says:

    it’s one thing not to like it but another to announce it. who doesn’t like moms? if you don’t like moms keep it to yourself.

    i for one, could not survive without my mom.

  4. Iceprincess says:


  5. TheWebkinzWarrior says:

    Fishier fish? MyloBTF? Kirio? Cassandra? You here? I hope sooo! :( :( :( :(

    • Iceprincess says:

      Don’t be sad… they’ll come… I promise and I said this be4 5:21 :-) :-) :-) I promise I’ll be your secret buddy if you want… my name is Courtney… a girl and they name courtney as a boys name… I don’t know why though…..

  6. Veronica says:

    Cute! I didn’t enter this contest. I dunno why, just didn’t feel like I wanted to, I guess. Anyways, congrats to all the winners! Your writing pieces are AWESOME!

    • QueenVet says:

      Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww . . . Heather, that’s so sweet!! That’s exactly what I’d do for my mom (except for the dress, she doesn’t wear dresses, but maybe shoes instead, cuz she likes comfy new shoes). Good job!

  7. ella97 says:

    i don,t like this

  8. rachel says:

    I like Heather’s entrie the best! Everyone did a great job!

  9. cad0rade says:


  10. Persephone says:

    CONGRATS WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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