Time to play Peek-A-Newz!
How do you play? Click the button below to log in with your Webkinz World account. Then, search Webkinz Newz for the featured host. When you find the host, click on him or her. Find the host five times, then fill in the form and a special prize will be added to your Webkinz World account. One prize per account per day. |
Nafaria Peek-A-Newz Challenge
366 Responses to Nafaria Peek-A-Newz Challenge
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wish me luck i need slips using third account everyone wish me luck!!
I want the shoes and the charm. I need the shoes for my webkinz costume party!
I want the purple slippers so bad! oh they’re so pretty! can’t wait to get them :)
what do u do when u find her
It’s so fun and easy! I love it.
WOO!!! I got the slippers yesterday! Good luck getting good stuff, everyone!
WOW!! So that’s how you can get the nafaria’s purple slippers! Well i hope i can get them. I wish you all to get what you want from nafaria! ;)
OMG Slips! I have to find her!!! LOL
I got the Stained glass window yesterday.! : D I’m hoping to get the trellis today!!! ; )
i would think its kinda wierd but its ok hey everbody if see this message my webkinz name is DJ Wolf if u want to be my webkinz friend my user bigfellow100 later!!!!