Nafaria’s Peek-A-Newz Challenge!

Nafaria… sometimes she’s naughty, but she’ll be nice from now until June 5! Play Nafaria’s Peek-A-Newz Challenge from now until June 5 and you’ll win a random Nafaria-themed prize. Limit of one prize per Webkinz World account per day.

102 Responses to Nafaria’s Peek-A-Newz Challenge!

  1. Powerann says:

    Please, please bring this P-A-N back! I need to win a stained glass window because I accidentally sold mine. :(

  2. geminikitty511 says:

    nafaria is mean

  3. supercoockie7777 says:

    I wish you could see what you were gonna win or some kind of ” NOTICE!”

  4. natalie13 says:

    I need the purple spakly shoes ,pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee

  5. supercoockie7777 says:

    oh um that’s cool!

  6. led12213 says:

    how about some new items for the nafaria peek a challenge say from the new rooms on the estore? and the same with allyssa her items should be on a peek a challenge too. I have most of these items or possibly adding some nafaria clothing or other items

  7. Minecraftgal22 says:

    awesome i won slips from this

  8. slugbug2000 says:

    This was way too short of a contest and plus the date was wrong on one of the pages. It would be awesome if they could extend this please.

    • slugbug2000 says:

      So happy this contest is happening again!!! Thanks Webkinz Newz!!! Gives those of us who did not get all of the different prizes another chance at it :) Hopefully it will be easier to get the more rare items!! LOL

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