Nick Is Back!

Nick had so much fun earlier this month, and now he’s back to give away more prizes! If you didn’t get a chance to pick up the SantaKinz Workshop prizes, or the GanzWorld exclusive Blue Fuzzy Winter Hat, now’s your chance! Play Nick’s Holiday Peek-A-Newz Challenge now!


52 Responses to Nick Is Back!

  1. prowlercat says:

    nothing works. you cannot click on anything and get nick or the lamps what is going on with this site

  2. jennifer says:

    I liked getting a preview of the prizes I won when I logged into my WW account. I don’t like the time wasted to find the host 5 times and being told I was to early. Please go back to the 12:00am to 11:59 pm time on the contests. Thank you. jennifer

  3. pandasoops says:

    never mind! i got him :D

  4. pandasoops says:

    I’m stuck on the last 1. reply and tell me how your feeling on this. :(

  5. ShebaQueen says:

    I don’t think I’m receiving the prizes from Nick’s Peek-a-News contest. I’ve looked in my dock, but how do I know what I’m looking for? I would really like to know what is being added to my account and not have to search through the hundreds & hundreds of items in my dock. Not sure I will take the time to play if it doesn’t appear that I’m receiving anything.

  6. Amma says:

    Again, campaign expired when I clicked on the fifth peek a newz. Third day that it has happened…no prize!! NOT FAIR

  7. Hunnypoo128 says:

    I found Nick five times, but couldn’t log into my webkinz account to claim my prize!!?? And when I finally did log onto my account…there was no prize! Ganz…please fix the new site!!!!! The same thing happened with the Zircon Birthstone Gem Lamp…I found the add, but couldn’t log onto my account and when I finally did…no prize!!?? :(

  8. boopboopdittum says:

    It is almost impossible to find Nick….I used to play Peek A Newz everyday but I don’t like this….I’m really sad.

  9. abigail12 says:

    I’ve played this and the parent club for Christmas items for almost a week. I’ve tried at different times of the day, logged on & the re-logged on but nothing has made it to my accounts. I play 6 different accounts for my grandchildren and not one has received a single Christmas goodie. The kids are disappointed and so am I.

  10. dake says:

    I’ve been on for hours, and have only found him once. Even have tried to re-login, and still no Nick. These just take way too much time, and aren’t fun.

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