Not Quite There: Communal Contest

Looks like that challenge was a bit tricky! Better luck next time. Be sure to visit the Kinzville Times to vote for next weekend’s prize. Want to know what next weekend’s challenge is going to be? Be sure to visit Webkinz Newz on Thursday for a sneak peek.


70 Responses to Not Quite There: Communal Contest

  1. Amber says:

    What they mean is Not Quite There AGAIN! I want better prizes and more reasonable targets!

  2. Jenna says:

    I think more pets for prizes would get more kids.

  3. toystory says:

    stop it girls rule now on every page you post the same thing about plumpy stuff it always the same its even always on CAPS LOCK please stop it now please will you

  4. Auriana says:

    Hey anyone who wants to be my friend please add me on to their frend list my username is Auriana
    Thanks :)

  5. claire says:

    i love molly sooooooooooooo much do any of you

  6. mmk112501 says:

    Hello I think it should be estore pet where somebody can have a chance of winning one, or something special and something that can be traded it will be more fun,maybe you should also have it two times a week not one, who agrees with me let them know LOL VOICES BE HEARD THOUGH LETTERS, ALSO, this is not trading room, there is a room for that purpose, Thanks

  7. Annonymous says:

    500 – Internal Error. Please fix that glitch so I can go on Webkinz.

  8. Natalie says:

    I think the name hoppers is cute.

  9. ferret789 says:

    ya i want to work for e store stuff! ya and stop posting about plumpy glasses please!

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