Pisces Fish Contest

Open to Webkinz World players residing in the USA and Canada (some exceptions apply).

It’s been a long cold winter and the Pisces Fish just had to get away! Tell us where the Pisces Fish went for vacation this winter in 1000 characters or fewer, and you could win one of 5 eStore exclusive Pisces Fish virtual pets (the “Prize”) .

Check the Contests page for more details.

46 Responses to Pisces Fish Contest

  1. savannahh says:

    by the way my username is Savannah10624 if anyone wants to add me!

  2. savannahh says:

    The pisces fish is so cool! I will name it Pieces! Pieces loves to go on vacations, but the most memorable vacation was the one he took recently. He went to the Bahamas. The Bahamas was a beautiful place! Palm trees blowing in the wind from above, tropical fish swimming about the clear waters, it was such a sight for Pieces! The chattering of humans was calming to him, and he even went on some of the water slides! His favorite part was the food. The Bahamas have exotic food to offer, and his favorite dish was the Conch. It is pronounced “Konk” and it is a fried critter that tastes so good along with the dipping sauce! I have traveled their my self! He also visited the Aquarium and saw stingrays and a huge Grouper fish! He was really scared of the sharks and sawfish though. Pieces long relaxing get-away was coming to an end, so he went to the gift shop. He got him self a handmade beautiful bracelet, with cork beads, and green,black,yellow,and red beads! Pieces loved the vactaion and he is sure he will visit the Exotic place again!

  3. muffin0906 says:

    The colorful and bright cheery fish decided to take a trip to the Coral Reef. I wrote a poem about the beautiful world of underwater
    Green and cool
    The mermaids keep
    A swimming school.

    The oysters trot;
    The lobsters prance;
    The dolphins come
    To jon the dance.

    But the jellyfish
    Who are rather small
    Can’t seem to learn
    The steps at all.

  4. Wildflower says:

    I luf this pretty fish. He is wearing his ” school ” colors and he is a winner! I think he will go to the rose parade to play in the school band. they have a special water glass section and he plays the glasses by flippiing hs tail agenst them. He will get a speshul award and will swim home with his school.

  5. maddie778899 says:


  6. maddie778899 says:

    Maybe he was sad because people throw trash into the water and he doesn’t want to live here anymore. Because people litter to much and gets in the lakes.

  7. justin bieber fan!!!!!! says:

    hey jb is soooooo cute!!!!!

  8. Mudstar says:

    Yay for Pisces Fish! My birthday is 6 days from now so WOOOOT!!!

  9. lilyclover532 says:

    I think the pisces fish went to the MAZIN HAMSTER WORLD!!
    I think he went there to be their friend. He wanted to explore the world and have lots of friends everywhere.
    He wanted to be just like them. He was thankful for everything and everyone he had!
    Well this is where i think he went. :)

  10. bellaboo55555 says:

    the pices fish was thinking where to go for the winter break, he went to look for antlantis in the deep blue sea. And when he finially got there it was warm and sunny, he also went to hawaii to look for dolphins and other sea creatures to play with! when he came back to his original home he said ” i think all stay here from now on ” becuase his home was his most favorite spot.

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