Time to play Peek-A-Newz!
How do you play? Click the button below to log in with your Webkinz World account. Then, search Webkinz Newz for the featured host. When you find the host, click on him or her. Find the host five times, then fill in the form and a special prize will be added to your Webkinz World account. One prize per account per day. |
Play Elwin’s Creative Peek-A-Newz Challenge!
134 Responses to Play Elwin’s Creative Peek-A-Newz Challenge!
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cool i’m playing right now!
SARAHANDLACEY, IF YOU WOULDN’T MIND COULD YOU PLEASE GIVE ME OUR WW USERNAME? YOU SEEM VERY NICE;) Sorry, I wrote in all caps because I thought it would catch our attention =s My username is mittenslover12 add me anyone one <3
my username is THIS username! :D @Girly Girl
COOL i like that username!!!!
I’m playing it right now :)
I have started my new Peek-A-Newz challenge. Thanks Ganz for all the prizes we can win :) dew
Great! I luv Peek-A-Newz!
Peek-A-Newz is awesome! I try to play it as much as I can! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:
I love peek-a-newz too!!!! But it can be tricky some times. You true friend, **$**furryhairylion**$**
Thanks furryhairylion! I agree it gets tricky! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:
Your welcome! And here’s a hint it helps to go on posts that you haven’t gone on yet. So if you get on peek-a-newz as soon your on webkinznewz and there are new posts its best to go there. Your true friend, **$**furryhairylion**$**
Much easier to find than poodle. It is bigger and a contrasting color. I however missed out on 3 days of poodle hunting I only found a couple a day, and that is spending numerous hours, doing contest for 8 accounts plus videos and still never found all 5 for any account in all those days. I hope I have more luck with this critter.
Ugh! This Peek-a-Newz doesn’t work for me. :cry: None of these Peek-a-Newz games are working for me, and it’s making me kind of sad. I’m a bit upset that it doesn’t work too. ~Chicago Made☠
Ahh Ha! I knew they would do a Peek-a-Newz for the new theme! They usually do! :) AND, I am going to do a room with this stuff. I like the Sewing Machine. In my Sewing Elective, we made these Sharks (We are Summit Sharks), they are SOOOOOOO cute! -The 49th
Awesome! I’ll be doing this. Hopefully it works this time, because the Persephone Peek-a-Newz didn’t work for me. So, I hope this one works. ;) ~Chicago Made☠
These are all so great! New stuff and wshop stuff and it Stuff period! Yayaya!
Great! I might do it!! :D Good luck everyone! -Coolgirl27965
ok i give up! 6hours and still 3 elwins :( ill try some other time :(
i got all 5 Yay
you are so lucky I only found 3 Elwins!!:(
I’m lovin it!
I love Peek-A-Newz! It’s awesome! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:
It won’t work for me! I haven’t found him on any pages yet! BTW i am a girl but just because my username is webkinzrocks188 doesn’t mean I’m a tomboy ;) =3 Add me on WW please, my user is mittenslover12. Thnx! :)
Yeah… I can’t find it either!! So frustrating. I REALLY want the bed though it sooo cool!! ~Mouse42~
i total want that bed to!
It helps if you go on posts you didn’t go on yet. Your true friend, furryhairylion
cant find him!!!!:p
i got a artist palet rug!
For webkinzrocks288 and anyone else who can’t find Elwin, Check your brower to be sure pop-ups are not BLOCKED. Good hunting! Greenie goes green!
If I can’t find him on the first 3 pages i log back in, hope this helps
There have been times that I would spot him once or twice and then nothing. And this really works I go back and fill out the entry again and then boom there he is back to back to back. So give it a try, if after you click around a few pages you don’t find him go back and enter again. PS don’t bother going to the forum room, none of them have ever been in there. Only floaty clicky and the bottom click to win ads are in the forum.
I can’t find him either. I’m so frustrated. : (
Wow i looked EVERY WHERE and still can’t find him!!!
i will try to add u in ww my name on ww is tonight 8 or 9
i can only find 3! and when iv found one it says error has ecored. pleeease show up elwin!!!!!
ditto i enjoy wekbinz world and its cool stuff!
after 3 hours i still have 3 elwins! :( please show up!
Elwin is easy to find!! :D -Coolgirl27965
SWEET SO GONNA DO THIS! :) ;) Hope It Works This Time Last Time I Did Peek-A-Newz It Didn’t Work :( Gonna Pray That It Works!
just hope it works