Time to play Peek-A-Newz!
How do you play? Click the button below to log in with your Webkinz World account. Then, search Webkinz Newz for the featured host. When you find the host, click on him or her. Find the host five times, then fill in the form and a special prize will be added to your Webkinz World account. One prize per account per day. |
Play the Fall Festival Peek-A-Newz Challenge
87 Responses to Play the Fall Festival Peek-A-Newz Challenge
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dear lilyluvie,
i am really justins favorite gymnast but now i am tears not of joy. i didnt make a gymnastics team so my tears are not of joy. i will be back to justins favorite gymnast soon. but now i need ur help. how can i turn my tears not of joy to tears of joy?
:.(tears not of joy).:
Oh…so sorry to hear you didn’t make it. :( That’s too bad. I bet you’re really good at it though. Hope you get over being sad. :/
~a wave from HI :) :D ;)
well you should try harder and sorry you didnt make it
I luv playing Peek-a-Newz!!! :D Fall festival is so awesome, the prizes are sweet!
*Luv from LillyLuvie*
Yeah to Fall Fest – I hope I get all the prizes!
Woo, I like Cowabelle, I wish we could have her accessories. I love scarves,earrings, necklaces. they should make some for the clothes outlet. That would be so COOL.
me too
yea i found cowbelle, thank you so much
So excited to play! I hope I have better luck than catching leaves! Everytime I try to click a leaf my pet moves and I miss it!
me too
wow! me three!
Hi, it’s me, Polar Berry! Some of you may have seen my comments in the past. Well, now I’m trying to become a “Super-Commenter”. I want to start commenting all the time. I love Peek-a-Newz and play it daily so maybe we can trade stuff! Well, have a nice day!
Ski you later,
-Polar Berry [{*}] :mrgreen: :)
Oh, hey, I think i remember you! I used to be Heatherstar but then I realized that Heatherstem sounded a bit better. Have you seen me as Heatherstar…? Well, anyways, welcome back, have a great day, and get a good prize on the peek a newz!
That new fall contest is really cool and also very cool prizes!
This is great. ;-)
I just wish that this was a certain prize thing, as opposed to a random prize thing.
Awesome! A new way to get fall prizes!!
U r soo right about this being awesome!
~~~~Horse Angel119~~~~
I love peek-a-newz! ;-)
Yay!!! :D Peek-a-Newz is great!
*Luv from LillyLuvie*
i realy like peek a newz!
cool i will DEF be doing it! :)
~*~ caitlyn ~*~
me too
Cool! I know right! :D
I like this!
i got a really pretty prize from this i just LOVE Fall! :)
~*~ caitlyn18 ~*~