Time to play Peek-A-Newz!
Prize pool includes:
Some prizes are more rare than others. How do you play? Click the button below to log in with your Webkinz World account. Then, search Webkinz Newz for the featured host. When you find the host, click on him or her. Find the host five times, then fill in the form and a special prize will be added to your Webkinz World account. One prize per account per day. |
Play the Rockin’ Road Trip Peek-A-Newz Challenge!
122 Responses to Play the Rockin’ Road Trip Peek-A-Newz Challenge!
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I found one only!
I found 9 cats!!!
Where do u find them?
Well, you gotta look around first of all!!!!!
i like promotion !!
The 6 accounts I manage won 4 2012 Vans, 1 Dirt Track and 1 2011 Road Trip Poster. Thank you Ganz. Going much faster since I shrunk the screen to 75% to do PEEK-A-NEWZ. jennifer
I need the 2012 Tour Van! YAY!! Thanks Ganz!
First one to comment! Lol. =D This Peek-A-Newz is so cool! I’m gonna do it right now! Oo Megan oO
I got the 2011 VAN!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! BTW I have 2 of them (I’m open to trading)
I will trade a 2012 van or something else for your 2011
Uhh… Nvm about that… I got the 2012 Van!!!!!! YAYYY!!!!!! ♫❀★ Megan ★❀♫
I like playing these contests.
omg omg i want a van sooooo badly!! :)
I shrunk my screen to 75% and cut my time down to under 8 minutes on each of the 6 accounts I manage. jennifer
Good Idea! :) Ill Try That!!! **~**Sonici**~**
This is cool . WE get both vans in the prize pool :D
This is so awesome! :lol: Do you know how rare those vans are?!?! :mrgreen: AHHHHH!!!!!!
no i dont i have 3 right now i did have 4
so it come with all of that stuff?
I just got the 2012 touring van!!!!!!!!! =DDDDDDDDD _Megan_
HOW!!!????!!!! -kdog8400
Cool! :D
I knew Ganz was going to do a Peek-a-Newz like this, and I’ve been waiting for this also! :) Thanks Ganz! I’m gonna try and win all the prizes. ;) ~Chicago Made☠ (The other signature of mine isn’t working, so I’m doing my old signature again). PS – @SilverWolf – I’d like to trade with you, but could you meet me in WW around 6:00PM tonight? ;)
Yeah, I had a feeling Ganz was going to do something like this, and the actually have. Thanks a bunch, Ganz! ;) And like @CM said, I’m gonna try and get all the prizes. And @CM – Could I join on what you and @SilverWolf are doing, because I’d like to trade with you. ;) -SOAD Chick
@SOAD Chick (My friend) – Sure, you can join. But I’m only trading clothing, so.. ~Chicago Made☠
@CM – That’s cool, because I have the shutter shades you want so badly, but you have to give me something good if you want them. :) -SOAD Chick
Thanks Ganz This Peek-A-Newz is really cool I hope everyone wins what they need and want.Thankz again Ganz :) :) dew